OAK WiFi - A Small Step to Closing the Digital Divide

OAK WiFi provides free internet to Oaklanders to help close the digital divide.

August 22, 2022 - The City of Oakland is aware of an outage to OakWIFI affecting half of the WiFi Access Points in zones 4-13. The cause is being investigated, and there is currently no ETA yet for service restoration.

About OAK WiFi

94,000 residents in Oakland currently don't have access to the internet. OAKWIFI is an initiative that provides free internet access for students, seniors, job seekers, small businesses, the underserved, and unconnected. Learn more about our #OaklandUndivided initiative to close the digital divide below.

OAK WiFi Coverage Area

OAK WiFi has live hotspots throughout the City; this initiative will greatly expand the coverage from West Oakland through Downtown and along the International Blvd corridor to the San Leandro border. The 13 wifi zones are located in East and West Oakland, Uptown and Downtown. These zones began to come online starting in mid-November 2020. Currently 12 of 13 zones are live and available to use - see map below. The remaining Zones will come online as they are completed. It is anticipated that all 13 zones will be online by the end of March 2021.

OAK WiFi Zones - Communities where OAK WiFi is being Expanded - Green indicates Zones and/or Locations that are Online
OAK WiFi Zones - Communities where OAK WiFi is being Expanded - Green indicates Zones and/or Locations that are Online

How to Connect

Easy, just go into the wifi settings on your mobile phone, laptop, or desktop computer, select OAK-WIFI and get connected!

Free Internet Access for Students, Seniors, Job Seekers, Small Businesses, the Underserved, and Unconnected
Free Internet Access for Students, Seniors, Job Seekers, Small Businesses, the Underserved, and Unconnected

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