Rent Adjustment Program Forms & Notices for Property Owners


Declaration of Residential Property Rent Registration Compliance or Exemption (PDF)

Oakland Municipal Code, Section 8.22.090.B.1.c.ii states that, after July 1, 2023, property owners are required to provide evidence of registration with the Rent Adjustment Program (RAP) for each affected covered unit in the building prior to the petition or response being filed. Given that July 1, 2023 was a Saturday, property owners’ actual deadline to register was July 3, 2023.

Since July 3, 2023, certain property owners have filed petitions or responses using old RAP forms that did not include this new requirement. Thus, the purpose of this form is to allow property owners who were registered prior to filing their petition or response to submit to RAP evidence of registration AND to serve the tenant with this evidence.

Single-Family-Home Exemption Certificates Information Sheet (PDF)

The Rent Adjustment Program (RAP) issues Certificates of Exemption for dwelling units that are permanently exempt from the Rent Adjustment Ordinance. RAP will NOT issue Certificates of Exemption for single-family homes any longer. However, in most cases, single-family homes (including houses and condominiums) will still be exempt from the Rent Adjustment Ordinance.

Notice to Tenant of Owner Petition (PDF)

This document is a stand-alone Notice to Tenant of Owner Petition (may be used with Owner Petition for Rent Increases or Owner Petition for Certificate for Exemption). This notice is already included in both the Owner Petition for Rent Increases and Owner Petition for Certificate for Exemption forms.

Petition for Determination of Tenant Protected Status (PDF)

Property owners and tenants may use this form to petition the Rent Adjustment Program for a hearing to address a tenant's claim of "protected status" as elderly, disabled, or catastrophically ill for the purposes of protection under the Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance.

Sublease Addendum (PDF)

The Lease Addendum, prepared by the City of Oakland Rent Adjustment Program, is for use when there is partial tenancy turnover. It clarifies that tenants who move into rental units during an existing tenancy are not original tenants and only have the right to the current controlled rent until the last original tenant permanently vacates the unit. The Lease Addendum clarifies that the landlord may raise the rent without limitation on all remaining tenants.

Proof of Service (PDF)

This document is a stand-alone Proof of Service that can be used to serve any other RAP document that does not already include a Proof of Service.

Proof of Service (Fillable) (PDF)

This document is a stand-alone, fillable PDF version of the Proof of Service that can be used to serve any other RAP document that does not already include a Proof of Service.

Notice to Tenants of the Rent Adjustment Ordinance (English, Chinese, and Spanish) (PDF)

Under the Rent Adjustment Ordinance, property owners must give tenants a copy of the Notice of the Rent Adjustment Program (“The RAP Notice”) (1) at the commencement of a tenancy and are required to give it in three languages English, Spanish, and Chinese, AND (2) with every notice of rent increase (O.M.C 8.22.060, Rent Adjustment Ordinance Implementing Regulation 8.22.060.)

Under the Tenant Protections Ordinance (TPO), property owners of buildings with at least one interior common area accessible by all the tenants must post the RAP Notice in at least one such common area per building (O.M.C. 8.22.640.E.)

Property Registration Full Packet (PDF)

This form is required for all properties; it may be used to register covered units and to claim units exempt. It may also be used to update a rental property’s ownership information and/or update owner/manager contact information.

Tenancy Registration Form (PDF)

Owners/managers must complete this form for EACH RENTED UNIT that is covered by the registration requirement.

For example, if an owner has a property that is comprised of two units and both are rented, then the owner must submit 1) a Property Registration Form, and 2) two Tenancy Registration forms (one for each rented unit).

Note: Tenancy Registration Forms are NOT required for exempt units or vacant units.

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