A one-page summary of step-by-step instruction for design development, permitting and construction, and reimbursement. Owners should refer to this document first with any questions as they move through the program.
Guidance for engineers designing a SHOP project.
SHOP commentary on the established A4 requirements.
Bidders must complete this form for the design portion of each project. If design and construction are combined in one bid, the design portion must be described separately here.
Addendum required to be signed by owner and engineer for all design contracts reimbursed by SHOP
This simple form is required for FEMA review and must be completed by the permit applicant to describe the seismic, non-seismic, and potentially visible measures being taken.
This is a standard permit application. It must be submitted directly to ESHP with the Project Description, design, and calculations.
Addendum required to be signed by owner and contractor for all construction contracts reimbursed by SHOP.