The City of Oakland's Objective Design Standards (ODS) serve as part of a predictable and streamlined entitlement process for applicable new housing development. They provide clear, measurable, and upfront design review criteria, leaving no room for subjective interpretation. ODS complement the zoning standards specified in the City’s Planning Code (Title 17), and further the goals, policies, and actions of the Oakland General Plan. Objective Design Standards for Four- to Eight-Story Multifamily Residential and Mixed-Use Developments were adopted by the Planning Commission on October 2, 2024.
Beginning January 1, 2024, new State legislation (AB 1218) prohibits the City from approving any development project that requires demolition or conversion of one or more existing “protected” housing units, or where demolition of a “protected unit” occurred within the last five years, unless replacement housing units are provided.
This bulletin provides guidance for the applicability of section 6409 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 and describes what constitutes a minor modification to existing telecommunications facilities.
Clarification on how to calculate the maximum intensities for a site proposed for development.
Design standards for small wireless facilities located in the public right-of-way.
Bulletin to clarify questions regarding units in the Planning Code specifically designed to allow for both residential and working activities, commonly known as live/work or work/live units. This bulletin does not apply to traditional residential units that are used for home occupations pursuant to Chapter 17.112 of the Planning Code.
Describes when a building is no longer considered "existing under the Planning Code after parts of it are removed.
Determines whether creating new habitable space within an existing building requires a Variance.
Clarifies the definition of rooftop as it relates to group usable open space.
Clarifies and memorializes the circumstances under which the City would consider revising/modifying the requirement of the secondary access for subdivisions that result in dead end streets in excess of 600 feet in length.