5:00pm to 7:00pm
Join one of two educational workshops about Oakland’s biennial budget process. You will learn about Oakland’s budget, how it gets adopted, and ways to become involved. Commonly asked questions will be compiled and shared on the www.oaklandca.gov/budget website. Meet other civically-minded people!
You will learn about Oakland’s budget, how it gets adopted, and ways to become involved. Commonly asked questions will be compiled and shared on the www.oaklandca.gov/budget website. Meet other civically-minded people!
In partnership with the Oakland Budget Advisory Commission, SPUR, & the League of Women Voters
Taller sobre Presupuesto
Únase a uno de los dos talleres educativos sobre el proceso presupuestario bienal de Oakland. Aprenderá sobre el presupuesto de Oakland, cómo se adopta y las formas de participar. Las preguntas más frecuentes se recopilarán y compartirán en el sitio web www.oaklandca.gov/budget. ¡Conozca a otras personas con conciencia cívica!
Se recomienda rsvp. Comparte tus preguntas cuando te registres.
En asociación con la Comisión Asesora de Presupuesto de Oakland, SPUR y la Liga de Mujeres Votantes
參加屋崙市兩年一度預算制定過程的培訓研討會(兩場中任選一場)。您將會瞭解屋崙的預算、預算如何通過,以及如何參與其中。常見問題將會彙整並分享在 www.oaklandca.gov/budget 網站。結識其他有公民意識的人士!
我們的合作方包括屋崙預算諮詢委員會 (Oakland Budget Advisory Commission)、舊金山灣區計劃和城市研究協會 (San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association, SPUR) 以及婦女選民聯盟 (League of Women Voters)
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