Funding Advisory Committee Meeting

This meeting of the Commission was held on July 14, 2021 at 6:00pm

How to Make a Comment:

There are three ways to submit public comments.

• eComment. To send your comment directly to Cultural Affairs Division staff BEFORE the meeting via email

• To comment by Zoom video conference, click the “Raise Your Hand” button to request to speak when Public Comment is being taken. You will be permitted to speak during your turn, allowed to comment, and after the allotted time, re-muted. Instructions on how to “Raise Your Hand” is available at: - Raise-Hand-In-Webinar.

• To comment by phone, please call on one of the above listed phone numbers. You will be prompted to “Raise Your Hand” by pressing “*9” to speak when Public Comment is taken. You will be permitted to speak during your turn, allowed to comment, and after the allotted time, re-muted. Please unmute your self by pressing *6. If you have any questions, please email Neha Balram, Program Analyst for the Cultural Affairs Division at

Additional Documents

Accessibility and interpretation requests

Contact us to request disability-related accommodations, American Sign Language (ASL), Mandarin, Spanish or another language interpreter at least five (5) business days before the event.

All meetings held in-person are wheelchair accessible. Please refrain from wearing scented products as a courtesy to attendees with chemical sensitivities.

Date and Time

Wednesday, July 14, 2021
6:00pm to 7:00pm


Denise Pate

Posted: July 8, 2021 4:07pm

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