Updates on Measure W (Vacant Property Tax)

The Measure W (Vacant Property Tax) Implementation Ordinance will be heard at the November 5th City Council Meeting. This Measure has been a big topic in District 4 and currently the Administration is putting forth language that, I believe, honors the spirit of Measure "W". The language goes after the speculators who are sitting on vacant land for profit, but provides exemptions for adjoining parcels for use as yard space, low income households, land that is unbuildable, and others.

vacant lot

The Measure W (Vacant Property Tax) Implementation Ordinance will be heard at the November 5th City Council Meeting. This Measure has been a big topic in District 4 and currently the Administration is putting forth language that, I believe, honors the spirit of Measure "W". The language goes after the speculators who are sitting on vacant land for profit, but provides exemptions for adjoining parcels for use as yard space, low income households, land that is unbuildable, and others. Your voices are important and have been heard by me and the Administration. Thank you so much for stepping up and making sure this tax is equitable and works for all of Oakland.

Additionally, the Finance Department is available to answer questions in person Monday through Friday at 150 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 5432 between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. You may also contact the Finance Department at 510-238-3084 or vacantpropertytaxinquiry@Oaklandca.gov

Click here to review the proposed ordinance.

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Posted: September 25th, 2019 8:37 AM

Last Updated: April 27th, 2020 2:12 PM

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