The Oakland Police Department Condemns Unlawful Actions at US Capitol

We were shocked by the violent acts that unfolded as an unlawful mob took over the US Capitol Building yesterday, while legislators were certifying the election. These actions were a disgraceful assault on our democracy and we condemn these violent acts.

Oakland Police Press Release

For Immediate Release: January 7, 2021


The Oakland Police Department Condemns Unlawful Actions at US Capitol

We were shocked by the violent acts that unfolded as an unlawful mob took over the US Capitol Building yesterday, while legislators were certifying the election. These actions were a disgraceful assault on our democracy and we condemn these violent acts.

It has come to our attention that a former employee made statements that he attended the events in Washington DC and defended the actions of the takeover at the Capitol. The statements made by the former employee were reprehensible and we wholly disavow his remarks. This former employee was separated from his employment with the City of Oakland nearly six years ago. We want to assure our community that those statements offend the morals and ethics of the women and men of our Department.

Additionally, the Oakland Police Department has overhauled our hiring and screening procedures to ensure that these values do not represent our current department employees. If these types of statements were made by a current employee, they would be grounds for immediate initiation of a disciplinary investigation and could lead to termination.

Our democracy is the very foundation of the rule of law and our law enforcement officers are on the front lines of defending and upholding these tenets. Anyone engaged in the unlawful behavior that occurred at the Capitol and injured officers and civilians alike should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Tagged with: Police


Posted: January 7th, 2021 2:42 PM

Last Updated: January 7th, 2021 2:57 PM

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