Oakland a Bay Area Leader for Greatest Pavement Condition Improvement

Regional pavement condition report shows Oakland’s roads are improving dramatically.

OakDOT crews repave long-neglected Harold Street near Fruitvale Avenue

Oakland, CA – Oakland’s raggedy roads are improving fast, thanks to Measure KK. Every year, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) analyzes pavement conditions in the Bay Area. This year’s report shows that the average road condition in Oakland has improved dramatically: Oakland’s single-year condition score jumped nine points to 58 last year, from just 49 in 2020.

“We are extremely proud to have the second highest improved paving conditions of the more than 100 cities of the Bay Area (exceeded only by Larkspur). We were able to achieve this distinction, as well as set new Oakland records for most miles of roads repaved, because of the Measure KK infrastructure bond program,” Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf said. “Measure U’s passage will enable Oakland to continue this accelerated paving schedule.”

Oakland’s 2019 3-Year Paving Plan prioritized paving on 120 miles of Oakland streets and received state awards and national attention for its equity-driven approach. In December 2021, Oakland City Council adopted a 400-mile, 5-Year Paving Plan to deepen the investment in Oakland’s streets and continue the equity framework for prioritizing paving.

“OakDOT’s 2022 5-Year Paving Plan represents an even more aggressive plan to quickly improve Oakland roads,” said Department of Transportation Director Fred Kelley. “With continued funding, we’ll deliver more than 400 miles of paving in the next five years. And paving doesn’t just mean the street looks better: our paving program delivers critical traffic safety improvements to both our High Injury Network and our neighborhood streets.”

More information on MTC’s Pavement Conditions Report can be found here: https://mtc.ca.gov/news/bay-area-pavement-quality-stuck-doldrums-despite-smoother-ride-some-communities

More information about the 2022 5-Year Paving Plan can be found here: https://www.oaklandca.gov/projects/20225yp



Posted: November 4th, 2022 4:05 PM

Last Updated: November 4th, 2022 4:11 PM

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