Mayor Sheng Thao’s Statement on Enhancing Community Safety with Automated License Plate Readers

Councilmember Thao walks with OPD Officers in Oakland


Mayor Sheng Thao’s Statement on Enhancing Community Safety with Automated License Plate Readers

“Oakland is one step closer to adding another tool in our belt to advance community safety. The Oakland Privacy Advisory Commission recommended approval of a sensible Automated License Plate Reader use policy that balances enhancing law enforcement investigations while protecting individual privacy. The Automated License Plate Reader Policy will now go to the City Council for approval. I urge my fellow Oaklanders to support the updated policy so we can deploy these essential assets.

I am grateful to Governor Gavin Newsom for immediately responding to my request for funding. I also want to thank the Oakland city staff, the Privacy Advisory Commission, and the community for working collaboratively to develop the use policy.

Automated License Plate Readers enhance the Oakland Police Department’s ability to collect evidence more quickly, pinpoint leads and identify vehicles, even those with stolen plates. Intelligence-led investigations supported by technology ensure that our tactics target organized crime rings and limit unnecessary interactions between officers and members of the community. We are also able to collaborate more closely with our neighbors who already deploy such technology to participate more effectively in a regional approach to solving serious crimes.”

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Posted: October 6th, 2023 2:46 PM

Last Updated: October 6th, 2023 2:49 PM

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