Urban Design Engagement Summary
In Spring and Summer 2024, we engaged with West Oakland community members to collect feedback on the Project's urban design elements. A summary of this engagement is now complete and available on the 7th Street Connection Project webpage. This summary describes our engagement and highlights key themes from community feedback. This feedback on greenery, art, historical markers, and lighting will guide the final project designs. Click on the link below to download the report.
Click here for the Urban Design Engagement Summary
Proposed Speed Safety Camera on 7th Street
A new state law passed in October 2023 allows Oakland to roll out a pilot program for speed safety cameras. Speed cameras are proposed at 18 locations, including one location on 7th Street between Adeline and Linden Street. Along with cameras, there will also be signage to warn drivers and encourage safer driving. New camera systems will issue warnings for the first 60 days, rather than fines. Speed safety cameras are expected to be installed before the end of 2025. Click the link below for more information on this pilot program.
Click Here for more information on Speed Safety Cameras Pilot Program
Request a Tree in West Oakland
The West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project (WOIEP) is helping the City of Oakland plant more trees in West Oakland. If you live, work, or own property in West Oakland, you can let WOEIP know where they should plant trees in the neighborhood, and/or request a free tree. Click on the link below to complete the form. Your responses will help plant a greener, cleaner West Oakland. This form should take 5-10 minutes to complete. If you need language translation, please email mpanchal@woeip.org.
This work is made possible by a Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) grant funded by the California Air Resources Board as part of the California Climate Investments program.
Survey about new BayWheels stations, plus enter to win!
Help the City of Oakland decide where 18 new BayWheels stations should go. First, visit Oakland BayWheels Expasion to learn about the three expansion scenarios. Then, fill out this form to let them know what scenario you prefer. Plus, you can enter to win a free one-month membership with BayWheels and $15 of ebike credit.
Click Here to Learn About BayWheels Expansion
Undercrossing Improvements on 7th Street
Streets that pass under freeways are called "undercrossings." In many places in Oakland, undercrossings are dark, loud, and feel unsafe. The Undercrossing Improvements will include lighting, wayfinding, and placemaking at four locations. This includes 7th Street under I-980. To learn more about the project, visit the webpage. To stay updated on Undercrossing Improvements, click on the link below.