Oakland, CA – The Oakland Fund for Children and Youth, a program of City’s Human Services Department, seeks qualified non-profit organizations and public agencies to provide direct services to Oakland’s children, youth, and families through the implementation of the strategies outlined in the OFCY Strategic Investment Plan 2022-2025.
OFCY's Request for Proposals (RFP) for the next three-year funding cycle, FY 2022-2025, was released on January 10, 2022; proposals are due by February 22, 2022.
The RFP covers the 11 funding strategies outlined in the 2022-2025 Strategic Investment Plan. Grants awarded through this RFP will be for an initial one-year period starting July 1, 2022, and may be renewed up to two additional one-year periods. The total projected amount of funding to be distributed for fiscal year (FY) 2022-2023 grant awards is $18 million.
The OFCY RFP and additional information about the application process are available online: https://www.ofcy.org/funding/rfp/. Contact ofcy@oaklandca.gov with questions.
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