Oakland Rolls Out Makeover of Telegraph Avenue through Koreatown/Northgate (KONO)

Construction completed on a $5.3 million suite of traffic safety improvements for Telegraph from 20th to 29th Streets

ribbon cutting

Oakland – Every week, two people are killed or severely injured in traffic crashes on Oakland’s streets. With just 8% of Oakland’s streets responsible for over 60% of our traffic deaths and severe injuries, the Oakland Department of Transportation (OakDOT) is focused on advancing transformative projects to reimagine and re-design streets on this High Injury Network to prevent the unacceptable loss of life on our streets. 

Community leaders gathered today alongside Mayor Sheng Thao and OakDOT Director Josh Rowan to celebrate the completion of the latest project to transform a segment of Telegraph Avenue to a people-focused street. 

“Telegraph Avenue is a vibrant and vital commercial corridor for the entire East Bay and I am committed to making it safer for all residents,” said Mayor Sheng Thao. “This latest project implements data-driven improvements to make the street more accessible for customers visiting the corridor on foot, on bike, on transit, or by car.”

The Telegraph Avenue Complete Streets project between 20th St and 29th Streets is the latest project to upgrade previous temporary safety improvements installed on Telegraph to permanent and concrete changes to the corridor, including: slowing down drivers through a road diet; enhancing pedestrian crossings with median refuge islands and rectangular rapid flashing beacons; installing concrete separation for bike lanes; installing concrete protected intersections to create safer crossing and turning conditions for people walking and biking; and installing permanent concrete bus boarding islands to enhance the street for transit riders. Funding for this project was made possible through a California Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant from the California Transportation Commission (CTC) and Measure KK, Oakland’s 2016 Affordable Housing and Infrastructure Bond approved by the voters.

“Slowing down drivers makes the street safer for everyone,” said OakDOT Director Josh Rowan. “The comprehensive and holistic improvements we’ve installed on Telegraph not only make the street safer and calmer but also support an inviting atmosphere for residents and visitors alike to enjoy.” 

OakDOT continues prioritizing resources to improve traffic safety on the High-Injury Network, including for the remainder of the Telegraph Avenue corridor from 52nd Street to the Berkeley border. For more information about plans for Upper Telegraph, please visit: https://www.oaklandca.gov/projects/upper-telegraph  

For more information about the recently completed project, please visit:



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Posted: October 14th, 2024 12:10 PM

Last Updated: October 14th, 2024 12:19 PM

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