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OPD’s Summer Safety Plan 2024

Tomorrow, residents and visitors to Oakland will see an increased police presence throughout the city as the Oakland Police Department (OPD) launches our Summer Safety Plan.

OPD news release logo which includes OPD badge.

For Immediate Release: June 28, 2024 

OPD News:

OPD’s Summer Safety Plan

Tomorrow, residents and visitors to Oakland will see an increased police presence throughout the city as the Oakland Police Department (OPD) launches our Summer Safety Plan. This initiative aims to implement crime prevention techniques to address violent crime. Our goal is to keep our community safe through proactive policing, community engagement, and effective incident response.

We will leverage our Ceasefire Division, a proven strategy that successfully reduced homicides and non-fatal shootings from 2012 to 2019, to share intelligence and resources strategically to mitigate crime. Officers assigned to our Special Resource Section (SRS) will work with Ceasefire to help provide this added safety coverage seven days a week. 

The Foot Patrol Unit will augment our Patrol Division to increase response times to reports of violent crimes while enhancing visibility in our business districts. Our Vice Unit will conduct undercover operations and long-term investigations to arrest individuals driving the demand for human trafficking in Oakland. 

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) will be working in conjunction with OPD’s Traffic Enforcement Unit to increase police presence in high-risk areas known for injury accidents and crime. The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office will collaborate with OPD on conducting DUI enforcement operations.

OPD will continue to coordinate with prosecutors from the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office, the State Attorney General, and the Office of the United States Attorneys to ensure those arrested are held accountable.

OPD urges everyone to join us in this effort by reporting criminal activity and being a good witness. 


  • Be vigilant for suspicious individuals while scanning the area, as some suspects specifically target distracted drivers.
  • If you are being followed, drive to a safe place such as the police department (OPD Headquarters: 455 7th Street, Eastmont Station: 2651 73rd Avenue) or a fire station and call 911.
  • Remain Calm. Do not resist.
  • When possible, store your items in your truck or under your seat. 

Working together, we will reduce crime and create a safer environment for all of Oakland. 

Tagged with: Police


Posted: June 28th, 2024 12:59 PM

Last Updated: June 28th, 2024 12:59 PM

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