
Displaying 10 of 1973 News

Novel coronavirus

City declares local emergency, some City facilities to close, public safety not affected. City issues order to cancel all large public events, and expands sanitation services for unsheltered residents.

Posted: March 11th, 2020

M Ar JN We D

Ge you taxes done right by one of our experts and maximize your refund! Call 211 or visit to make an appointment at one of our 200+ Bay Area locations.

You may qualify for more than $6,000 in refunds from the California and Federal Earned Income Tax Credits!

Posted: March 9th, 2020

Last night, the Oakland City Council confirmed Mayor Libby Schaaf’s appointments to the Cultural Affairs Commission. The Commission is an advisory council to the Mayor, City Council and City Administrator on all matters affecting cultural development in Oakland. The Commission members’ primary role and responsibility will be to act as ambassadors and advocates for arts and culture in Oakland.

Posted: February 19th, 2020

Oakland's ratings are at the highest in City's history; second-highest rating available; analysts call out the City's strong financial position, good fiscal policies and practices, and "experienced, prudent management team."

Posted: February 11th, 2020

Frog ribbon 1

Oakland Public Works has recently completed the renovation of Hardy Park, also known in the community as FROG Park after the community group Friends of the Greenbelt. OPW and FROG celebrated Sunday with a ribbon cutting and grand opening.

Posted: February 9th, 2020

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