
Displaying 10 of 2056 News

El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Alameda recuerda al público que la Orden de “permanecer en casa”, prohíbe estrictamente los eventos y reuniones grupales y dirige a las personas a quedarse en casa, excepto para realizar actividades esenciales. Esta Orden permanecerá en vigor hasta el 3 de mayo y afecta todos los eventos religiosos de este mes.

Posted: April 10th, 2020


Passed unanimously and effective immediately, my emergency eviction moratorium protects renters, small businesses, and nonprofits from being evicted during the COVID-19 pandemic and prohibits rent increases and late fees. Thank you to the thousands of Oaklanders who expressed comments, joined our virtual City Council meeting, and spread the word about the emergency ordinance. See news coverage in the East Bay Times, Oakland Reporter and Berkeleyside.

Posted: April 9th, 2020


Get COVID-19 updates, information, and resources. Learn of local, state, and federal resources that can be utilized. This is a rapidly evolving situation and information is changing every day. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates HERE.

Posted: April 2nd, 2020

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