
Displaying 10 of 1973 News

IMG 3710

The city has completed several rapid-response traffic safety improvements at Garfield Elementary, following a recent pedestrian death. In partnership with the school community, our office also worked with OakDOT to canvas the neighborhood, informing neighbors about the new changes and encouraging drivers to slow down. Our hearts continue to be with Ms. Truong’s family and loved ones and the child who was injured.

Posted: October 3rd, 2019

PEC Logo 2019
The City of Oakland and Public Ethics Commission is developing the usability of the Services page on our website. We’d love to get your feedback about how we’ve organized our information and to also l …

Posted: October 1st, 2019

Vacant lot

The Measure W (Vacant Property Tax) Implementation Ordinance will be heard at the November 5th City Council Meeting. This Measure has been a big topic in District 4 and currently the Administration is putting forth language that, I believe, honors the spirit of Measure "W". The language goes after the speculators who are sitting on vacant land for profit, but provides exemptions for adjoining parcels for use as yard space, low income households, land that is unbuildable, and others.

Posted: September 25th, 2019

Allendale park tot lot 2

On Saturday, September 21, 2019. I will host a Community Engagement Meeting with residents of the Allendale neighborhood to discuss and share ideas for a new tot lot at the Allendale Recreation Center. Oakland Public Works staff will present conceptual designs, provide interactive workshops, answer questions pertaining to the tot lot, and provide a survey to complete.

Posted: September 19th, 2019

Battle for the bay horizontal

A two-city mayors’ competition to protect the Bay by volunteering to clean neighborhoods took a turn Monday, as San José Mayor Sam Liccardo joined his city into the fray. The event has been dubbed Battle for the Bay, a friendly volunteer competition to protect the shared Bay by cleaning up coastal areas and neighborhoods.

Posted: September 16th, 2019

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