
Displaying 10 of 1974 News

Safely Located Vincent Sisnero


Thank you to our community and media partners, Vincent Sisnero is no longer a #Missing Person. He has been safely located.

Posted: January 26th, 2022

Sideshow Recovery

The Oakland Police Department (OPD) is investigating illegal Sideshow activity that occurred throughout the City of Oakland, on January 23, 2022. Around 5:30 PM, approximately 200 vehicles and several hundred spectators, participated in reckless driving and behavior citywide. With multiple priority calls standing, our officers were able to make two arrests, tow four vehicles with a 30-day hold, and recover three firearms.

Posted: January 24th, 2022

Safely Located Ava Cress


Thank you to our community and media partners, Ava Cress is no longer a #Missing Person. She has been safely located.

Posted: January 20th, 2022

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