
Displaying 10 of 1974 News

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This week, our Finance and Public Safety Committees will receive important informational reports from the City Administration. At the Monday, 1: 30 PM Finance Committee Meeting, we will receive an update on the City’s work to improve Contracting Opportunities For Local, Small, Women And Minority- Owned Businesses and creating a New Multi-Service Public Buildings, and Relocation of PAB and Fire Stations in Central and East Oakland.

Posted: October 11th, 2021

Today our office released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a consultant to design and implement a three-year public education campaign to encourage consumers to support regulated cannabis businesses in the City of Oakland, particularly equity-owned cannabis businesses.

Posted: October 8th, 2021

OPD Badge with tape

The Oakland Police Department (OPD) is investigating a home invasion and sexual assault in the Redwood Heights Neighborhood.

Posted: October 7th, 2021

MISSING Amirh Hewitt

The Oakland Police Department is requesting assistance from our community and media in locating a runaway person at risk due to age. Amirh Hewitt is 11 years old and was last seen October 6, 2021, at 10 PM, in the 900 block of Campbell.

Posted: October 7th, 2021

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