OakDOT partners with parents, staff, subject matter experts, and the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) to conduct approximately five walk audits at schools each year. Recommendations from these walk audits are evaluated and moved forward through OakDOT's Capital Improvement Program. Recommendations may include bulb-outs, traffic circles, medians, curb ramps, sidewalks, raised crosswalks, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, or other capital projects.
Learn more about Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools (External)
While these walk audits are an important tool for developing a pipeline of capital projects, most school traffic safety needs are better served by working with your school and submitting a traffic safety service request. OakDOT and OUSD staff coordinate regularly to discuss requests that can be addressed with signage, pavement markings, and curb paint, and improvements are generally installed much more quickly than complex capital projects. Learn more about traffic safety requests
The current set of projects includes work at East Oakland Pride Elementary School, Lincoln Elementary School, Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, Westlake Middle School, and Yu Ming Charter School.
Update, July 2023: Concept design is also underway for the 2023-2025 school capital projects. Learn more here: https://www.oaklandca.gov/projects/2023-2025-safe-routes-to-school-capital-projects