The city's three-year, $100M paving plan prioritized 69th Ave. between San Leandro St. and International Blvd./E. 14th St. for repaving beginning in 2020. After a summer 2017 collision resulting in the death of a person bicycling and the injury of a second person bicycling, we met with residents, community leaders and representatives from the MLK Jr Library, Lions Creek Crossings and schools to shape the design of the paving project.
We heard:
- Pavement quality is poor
- People avoid bicycling on 69th Ave. because of the pavement quality
- Crosswalks are difficult to see
- Vehicles use 69th Ave. as a cut-through street to access BART and arenas
- Vehicle speeding makes street feel unsafe for people walking
- 69th Ave. is hard to cross as a pedestrian
- School pickup and drop-off is confusing
- Street is poorly lit
- Sidewalks lack curb ramps so people with strollers or in wheelchairs use the street
In response to what we heard, we propose the following improvements in 2020-2021, unless otherwise indicated:
- Fresh pavement and pavement markings on 69th Ave. between San Leandro St. and International Blvd./E. 14th St.
- ADA-accessible curb ramps at all intersections
- High-visibility crosswalks
- Red painted curbs/parking restrictions at crosswalks to improve visibility
- New and more evenly spacing speed humps to keep traffic traveling at the posted speed limit
- 25 pedestrian-scale light fixtures
We also studied a gateway treatment at International/E 14th St, raised crosswalks, traffic circles, pedestrian refuge islands, additional stop signs and painted curb bulbs.