Cary Avenue Full Trash Capture Project

This project will install a large trash capture device in a storm drainage pipe in East Oakland, helping the City meet a regulatory requirement to reduce water pollution.

Start date:
Apr 1, 2024


The City of Oakland is implementing a storm drainage improvement project that will install trash capture devices in storm drainpipes running under the roadway at two locations in Oakland: Cary Avenue in East Oakland and Mandela Parkway in West Oakland. The devices will capture trash, oil, grease, and other debris from stormwater runoff to prevent these pollutants from entering our waterways. Both project sites were chosen to maximize trash capture from more than 600 acres of land upstream. At least twice annually, Oakland Public Works will maintain the devices, remove material, and dispose of it properly. The City must complete these projects to meet mandatory trash control requirements established by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board. This video demonstrates how the trash capture devices work and the installation process.

In East Oakland, the trash capture device will be installed in a storm drainpipe running beneath Cary Avenue. During construction, Cary between Edes Avenue and Hale Avenue will be closed to through traffic (see the Cary Avenue Trash Capture Project Site Map). Construction is expected to last from April 2024 through October 2024, depending on weather conditions. The State of California is providing 100% of the funding for this project.


Cary Ave Project Site MapCary Avenue Full Trash Capture Project


Phase I: Planning, Preliminary Design
January 2018 - December 2021
Phase II: Advanced Design
January 2022 - June 2023
Phase III: Construction Bid & Contractor Selection
June 2023 – March 2023
Phase IV: Construction
April 2024 - October 2024


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Phone Numbers

Phone: 510-238-3397