Dismantle Anti-Black Racism Project- Exhibit A: Oakland (1)

Dismantle Anti-Black Racism Project



Exhibit A: Oakland is an Exhibition of various data points that illustrate AntiBlack outcomes in the city of Oakland. The idea behind the visualizations is modeled after the work of WEB Dubois and his Data Visualizations at the Paris Exhibition of 1900. Dubois introduced the American Negro to the world, by telling the story of our freedom from slavery, and progress to citizenship by in a first of its kind exhibition of data visualizations. Exhibit A features 12 large interactive data visualizations and several artifacts of the future of Oakland illustrating trajectories impacted by both pro and anti-Black futures. The activity also features digital interfaces, Augmented Reality experiences, and interactive workshops designed to spark conversation and critical engagement. Participants are enlisted to engage their own friends through social media by sharing images of the art and their response to it, and offering visions and forecasts for the future of Oakland.