This project includes:
1. Alameda Ave to E 12th St: bike lanes first installed in 2000, funded by the City of Alameda. Subsequent and pending improvements include:
- in 2014, sidewalks were added on the west side between Alameda Ave and E 7th St, and the bike lanes were restriped
- in 2017, the northbound bike lanes between San Leandro St and E 12th St were upgraded with green conflict zones
- a project to construct a protected bikeway between Alameda Ave and San Leandro St is funded by an Active Transportation Grant, with design currently underway
2. E 12th St to Foothill Blvd
- in 2011 the City installed decorative crosswalks and bicycle routing marking ("sharrows" encouraging bicyclists and drivers to share the lane)
- in 2020, the City will install pedestrian and bicycle improvements, including a continuous bicycle lane on both sides of the street as described here:
3. Foothill Blvd to MacArthur Blvd: sharrows along most of the alignment, except bike lanes under I-580, were installed in 2011 as part of a larger streetscape project that also included decorative crosswalks, pedestrian wayfinding signs, and bicycle parking
- in September 2017, bike lanes on the uphill side of the street were installed from Foothill Blvd to Harold St during a paving project
- sharrows, indicating that bikes and vehicles share the lane, are located on the downhill side of the street where speeds between bikes and vehicles are closer
3. Alameda Ave to MacArthur Blvd: wayfinding signs were installed in 2011
4. Fruitvale Ave/Tiffin Rd/Liemert Blvd: a future project will install a connecting bike route to link the Dimond district to Park Blvd