Grand Avenue Complete Streets Paving Project (Broadway to Mandana)

Designing a safer, calmer Grand Avenue in coordination with an upcoming Measure U-funding repaving project

In Process
Start date:
Nov 1, 2021


PROJECT UPDATE February 2025:

OakDOT is currently engaged in studying various new roadway configurations on Grand Avenue, focusing initially on the core segment of the project from Bay Place to MacArthur Boulevard.  These new configurations remove vehicle travel lanes on Grand Avenue to create a slower, calmer street, and provide roadway width for elements like separated bike lanes, transit boarding islands, pedestrian safety islands, and other features to improve safety for all on Grand Avenue while maintaining bus reliability on this vital connection to Downtown Oakland, Lake Merritt, and Grand Lake.  

UPCOMING OUTREACH (check back here for more info as events are scheduled, or join our mailing list via the green button above!):

  • March 20 - City of Oakland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC) presentation and discussion
  • Spring 2025:  Lakeshore Farmer's Market tabling event (date TBD)
  • Spring 2025:  Presentation to Grand Lake Neighbors (Neighborhood Council Group)
  • Spring 2025:  Presentation to Adams Point Neighbors (Neighborhood Council Group)
  • Spring 2025:  Presentation to Grand Avenue Business Association (GABA)
  • April/May 2025:  Online Survey to select a preferred roadway configuration for Grand Avenue

PLEASE NOTE that information from the previous Grand Avenue Outreach and Planning effort has been archived, available at this LINK.  This page will be updated with information related to the current traffic analysis and road diet decision, starting in March 2024.  



PROJECT UPDATE November 2024:  

OakDOT has entered into a contract with Wood Rodgers, Inc, an engineering design consultant who will be taking the design of the Grand Avenue Complete Streets Paving Project through to 100% design and construction.  OakDOT is very excited to re-start public engagement and design on this project, building off the previous work that was done from 2022 through early 2024.  The first phase of work will be traffic data collection and a road diet analysis to fully study the potential of reducing vehicle travel lanes on Grand Avenue to accommodate safety improvements for all roadway users.  OakDOT will conduct a public outreach process in early 2025 to work with the community to come to a final decision related to the future roadway configuration of the three main segments of the Grand Avenue Project which are Uptown (Broadway to Harrison), Adams Point (Bay Place to MacArthur), and the Grand Lake Business District (Santa Clara to Mandana).  If you have not already done so, please sign up for email updates for the project via the green button at the top of this page to stay in the loop on this project!

Project Background and Information

Grand Avenue from Broadway to MacArthur is set to be repaved by the City of Oakland's Measure U-funded paving program.

In preparation for planned repaving, the City of Oakland Department of Transportation is engaging the community in a design process to reimagine Grand Avenue as a safer, calmer street, and a more fitting gateway to the residential and commercial corridors that ring the regional recreational destination of Lake Merritt.  Grand Avenue is on the City's Bicycle and Pedestrian High Injury Network - the 8% of City streets that account for over 60% of severe and fatal collisions.  Grand Avenue also acts as an attractive bypass for drivers avoiding traffic on I580 which parallels Grand Avenue to the north.  The language of the Measure U Paving and Infrastructure Bond calls for the City to implement the recommendations of the City's adopted Bike Plan and Pedestrian Plans where feasible.  

This planning and design process will be informed by the outcomes of the Grand Avenue Mobility Plan, which worked with the community in West Oakland, Downtown, and Adams Point to develop a long-term vision for the corridor. While this repaving project will not be able to fully implement the long-term vision of the Grand Avenue Mobility Plan, this paving coordination opportunity provides an important opportunity to construct roadway safety improvements on Grand Avenue. These improvements could include:

  • Pedestrian Crossing Improvements (pedestrian refuge islands, new crosswalks, etc)
  • Separated Bike Lane Treatments to separate people biking from motor vehicle traffic
  • Transit Improvements to improve reliability of the bus, (building off the recommendations of AC Transit's Grand Ave Rapid Corridors Project)
  • Traffic Calming to slow vehicle traffic
  • Curb Management to address loading and operational needs
  • Roadway Restriping to reconfigure travel and/or turning lanes

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Charlie Ream, Transportation Planner with the Complete Streets Infrastructure Division of OakDOT.  

Also, check out the 27th and Lakeside Streets Project for more bike and pedestrian improvements in the area!