In May 2020, OakDOT partnered with area residents and the Parker Elementary School community to identify strategies to decrease traffic speeds, reduce cut-through traffic, and create a safer and more inviting environment for the Ney Avenue community. The study area is bounded by 73rd Avenue to the west, 82nd Avenue to the east, Hillmont Drive to the north and MacArthur Boulevard to the south. Solutions include speed humps, traffic circles, curb extensions, and other physical changes to the street. The plan's recommendations include near-term improvements such as speed humps and longer-term improvements that the City can deliver with paving projects or grant funding.
OakDOT staff are now at work designing traffic calming improvements, and these will be phased in over time. The first element was to repair existing speed humps and build new ones, which was complete in 2022.
What traffic calming treatments can you expect?
Concept designs have been prepared for the following treatments. OakDOT is now working on detailed designs to be used in construction.
Macarthur and 76th Turn Restriction