
Grand Avenue Mobility Plan

A comprehensive transportation plan to keep existing residents in place, while strategizing an inclusive, safer, and sustainable transportation network for the future. Check out the February 2022 final plan at the green link below!

Barcelona Parcel

The City of Oakland owns a 5.4-acre parcel of vacant land on portions of Barcelona Street and St. Andrews Road, commonly known as the "Barcelona" parcel.

2019 Traffic Safety Improvements Near Garfield Elementary School

In the wake of a tragic vehicle crash on Oct. 1, 2019 that left a woman dead and a child badly injured as they were walking across the street outside Garfield Elementary School, OakDOT activated a rapid-response approach to work with the school, City leadership, and the surrounding community to design and implement additional safety measures as swiftly as possible.

98th & San Leandro (Madison Park)

Planned Unit Development at 98th and San Leandro including 399 residential units and 14,156 sf of commercial area (Case File #PLN18523).

Mandated Sewer Main Rehabilitation to Require Temporary Highway 13 Lane Closures

Work is adjacent to the Highway 13 northbound lane between located between the I-580 Freeway and the Carson Street exit. Access to the easement will require heavy equipment to access the easement via Highway 13. Construction may directly affect the lane of travel closest to the shoulder (right-hand northbound lane) between the hours of 9am - 3pm, Monday through Friday, between October 21, 2019 and late December 2019.

West Oakland BART Development (Mandela Station)

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) at the West Oakland BART station (PLN18490-R02), including 762 residential units, 300,000 square feet of office, and approximately 53,000 square feet of retail.

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