
Crossing to Safety — Park Blvd at East 38th St and Excelsior Ave

CONSTRUCTION STATUS: The two project traffic signals on Park Blvd were turned on in September 2023. This included one new traffic signal adjacent to Edna Brewer Middle School at 13th Ave and one traffic signal modification at the intersection of Excelsior Ave/Grosvenor Pl/Alma Pl. Landscaping at both intersections is scheduled to be complete in October. OakDOT plans to install plastic delineators, pavement markings, and signs to remove a lane in each direction on Park Blvd approaching the crosswalks at Beaumont Ave to slow traffic and reduce exposure for pedestrians crossing the street. This work is planned for Spring of 2024.

Lake Merritt BART Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Project

This proposed project is a two-block transit-oriented development project at 51 9th Street (Block 1) and 107 8th Street (Block 2). The project proposes 557 residential units (including 233 affordable units), up to 500,000 sf of office space, up to 16,500 sf of ground floor retail and food service, ~2,000 sf for a commercial kitchen, 6,200 sf for day care, and a total of 408 parking spaces. The project includes a public paseo and BART plaza.

Walk This Way

An interdisciplinary strategy to improve underpasses in Oakland.

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