
Economic Development Strategy 2023-2028

The City of Oakland’s Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD) works to ensure that all communities in Oakland are healthy, strong, and thriving. Our goal is economic opportunity for all Oaklanders and equitable conditions for intergenerational wealth building. The City is seeking assistance with the completion of an Economic Development Strategy organized around actionable initiatives to achieve shared goals over a five-year time horizon. The community-designed and evidenced-based strategy will center the Oakland businesses, workers and communities most impacted by racism and underinvestment.

Economic Development Strategy 2023-2028

The City of Oakland’s Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD) works to ensure that all communities in Oakland are healthy, strong, and thriving. Our goal is economic opportunity for all Oaklanders and equitable conditions for intergenerational wealth building. The City is seeking assistance with the completion of an Economic Development Strategy organized around actionable initiatives to achieve shared goals over a five-year time horizon. The community-designed and evidenced-based strategy will center the Oakland businesses, workers and communities most impacted by racism and underinvestment.

Economic Development Strategy 2023-2028

The City of Oakland’s Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD) works to ensure that all communities in Oakland are healthy, strong, and thriving. Our goal is economic opportunity for all Oaklanders and equitable conditions for intergenerational wealth building. The City is seeking assistance with the completion of an Economic Development Strategy organized around actionable initiatives to achieve shared goals over a five-year time horizon. The community-designed and evidenced-based strategy will center the Oakland businesses, workers and communities most impacted by racism and underinvestment.

Uptown Wayfinding Signage Pilot Project

Funding by a State of California grant, the Uptown Wayfinding Signage Pilot Project brought together City staff and interested stakeholders to improve the signage in the triangle bounded by 14th Street, West Grand Avenue, San Pablo Avenue and Broadway.

Public Lands Strategy and Policy

The City owns a variety of public land across the City. Given the housing crisis and an increasing desire to activate sites, it is an opportune time to establish policies that will ensure these lands are put to good use, and that the parameters for their use are predictable for all stakeholders.

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