The OAK311 mobile app and SeeClickFix web portal will be down from Thursday February 13th at 7:00 pm to Saturday February 15th at 11:59pm for a software update. During this time, we will only be responding to infrastructure emergencies. To report an infrastructure emergency, please call us by dialing 3-1-1 (if in Oakland) or (510) 615-5566.

Seminary Avenue Paving Project

Improving Seminary Avenue for all roadway users along with a planned repaving project



As of Fall 2023, the original Seminary Avenue Paving Project is being delivered as two separate projects:

  1. The LAMMPS Phase 3 Project (Camden St to Sunnymere Blvd)
  2. The Seminary Avenue Paving Project (Foothill Blvd to Camden St)

Visit the LAMMPS Phase 3 page for more information about that project.

Seminary Avenue from Foothill to Camden will be repaved in 2026. OakDOT's Paving team will lead this repaving work. Based on feedback from residents during the 2023 outreach, the project will include safety features like new marked crossings, flashing crossing lights, speed cushions, potentially traffic circles, and other traffic calming measures.

Information about the Original Seminary Avenue Paving Project (Foothill Blvd to Sunnymere Blvd)

Seminary Avenue between Foothill Boulevard and Sunnymere Avenue is part of the City of Oakland’s Five-year Paving Plan and is set to be repaved in 2025. This planned repaving on Seminary Avenue presents an opportunity for the City of Oakland to integrate Complete Streets components, including pedestrian, bicyclist, and transit improvements, during the delivery of the paving project. This project will continue the work of connecting East Oakland to Downtown Oakland by connecting Seminary Avenue to the Laurel Access to Mills, Maxwell Park, and Seminary (LAMMPS) Phase 1 and Phase 2 projects, which are along MacArthur Boulevard.

Improvements of the Seminary Avenue Repaving Project could include:

  • Safety improvements for everyone: Slowing down vehicles traveling on Seminary, especially in the downhill direction, will make the street safer for all users.
  • Pedestrian safety improvements: On Seminary between Foothill and MacArthur, pedestrian safety improvements could include new marked crossings, traffic circles, and other traffic calming measures.
  • Bicycling improvements: Oakland’s Bicycle Plan, Let’s Bike Oakland! (2019), recommends bike lanes on Seminary Avenue between MacArthur Boulevard and Sunnymere Avenue to connect Oakland's existing and planned bikeways. Another option for a bikeway on Seminary would be to continue the off-street biking and walking path around Mills college that is planned on MacArthur as part of the Laurel Access to Mills, Maxwell Park, and Seminary (LAMMPS) Phase 2 Project.
  • Transit improvements: Three AC Transit lines use Seminary Avenue (45, 617, 650). OakDOT staff will work with AC Transit to optimize the placement of bus stops for transit reliability and safety.


OakDOT staff began in-person and virtual outreach in Spring 2023 to learn what residents, business owners, and other stakeholders would like to see improved on Seminary Avenue.

In Summer 2023, the project team sent out a widely distributed survey (now closed) about what sort of bike connection to build between Camden Avenue and Sunnymere Boulevard. Survey results showed that 85% of residents in the surrounding area favored a Class 1 off-street walking and biking path, as opposed to a protected on-street bike lane.

For more information, contact Cathy DeLuca, Transportation Planner.



Map of Project: Seminary Avenue Paving Project


Project Kick-off & Early Outreach
Spring 2023
Bike Connection Survey
Summer 2023
LAMMPS Phase 3 project splits off
Late 2023
Repaving of Foothill to Camden