The OAK311 mobile app and SeeClickFix web portal will be down from Thursday February 13th at 7:00 pm to Saturday February 15th at 11:59pm for a software update. During this time, we will only be responding to infrastructure emergencies. To report an infrastructure emergency, please call us by dialing 3-1-1 (if in Oakland) or (510) 615-5566.

Telegraph KONO, Pill Hill, Mosswood | 2016 - 2024

OakDOT is improving safety and accessibility on Telegraph Avenue connecting 20th Street to 42nd Street! Construction will be complete in October 2024!

In Process


1. KONO (20th Street to 29th Street):

October 2024 UPDATE:  The $6M Telegraph KONO project, funded by a grant from the California Active Transportation Program, is now complete!  This project includes separated bike lanes that are protected from vehicle traffic by concrete buffer islands, bus boarding islands to improve transit reliability and passenger safety, shorter pedestrian crossings, two "protected intersections" at W Grand and 27th Street, improved curb ramps, new ADA-accessible parking spaces, and an overall slower and calmer Telegraph for all!  This project is the culmination of 15 years of Planning, Design, Grant Applications, and Construction work on Telegraph between 20th and 29th Street.  OakDOT is grateful to all community stakeholders, advocates, engineers, and planners who worked so hard to make this project a reality.  

In July 2021, City Council unanimously approved a resolution supporting protected bike lanes on Telegraph Avenue between 20th Street and 29th Street. OakDOT is currently working to award the construction contract to proceed with construction of the protected bike lanes. Construction is anticipated to commence in early 2022.

2. Pill Hill/ Mosswood (29th Street to 42nd Street):

OakDOT applied for and was awarded a grant to install painted buffered bike lanes, transit boarding islands, and pedestrian crossing improvements. This project was completed in 2022. 


Telegraph Avenue is a main thoroughfare for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and drivers, alike. Telegraph is the most direct path of travel between Downtown Oakland, KONO, Pill Hill, Mosswood, and Temescal and directly connects to regional transit facilities. 

Space on this segment of the street, however, is limited. Connecting Telegraph (KONO, Pill Hill, Mosswood) weighs tradeoffs to design a street that best serves all Oaklanders and visitors.

To guide our decision-making process, OakDOT selects the final project design based on the following factors:

  • Safety
  • Equity
    • Ensure accessibility, affordability, health & safety, and process for disadvantaged communities in Oakland
  • Community Input
    • During this planning process, our team asked the community to share their experience on Telegraph, how they use the corridor, and what improvements they value the most.
    • We will collect input through the following methods: flyers promoting a user survey, online promotion of the user survey, merchant surveys to all affected merchants, hosting a community workshop, and mailers to residents along the corridor
  • Vibrancy
    • Creating opportunities for beautification and increasing foot traffic


Meetings and Outreach Events (2016 - present)

Post-implementation user intercept surveys; May 2016

Business surveys; January 2017, April 2017, May 2019, June 2020,

Bicyclist & Pedestrian Advisory Commission meetings; February 2017, April 2019, August 2020, June 2021

AC Transit meetings; March 2017, June 2017, September 2017

KONO Business Improvement District meetings; August 2017, September 2017, May 2019, February 2020

City Council meetings; September 2017, December 2018, May 2019, July 2020, June 2021, July 2021

Mayor's Commission on Persons with Disabilities meetings; January 2018, April 2018

Community meeting with Northgate Neighbors; March 2019

Pop-up survey; December 2020


Engagement leading up to Connecting Telegraph (2013-2016) :
