* * January 2025: Project Moves into Detailed Design Phase * *
The Upper Telegraph Complete Streets Project is moving into the next phase of project delivery, the Detailed Design phase! We will take our approved concept plans, community input, and everything we’ve learned from our work to date to design the fine details and civil engineering elements of the project. The result will be a set of engineering plans to be used for construction, which is estimated to begin in 2026/2027. To see the latest designs, view our 35% design engineering plans.
* * August 2024: OakDOT Selects Complete Streets Design for Upper Telegraph Avenue Project * *
After in-depth analysis of public input and extensive additional data, OakDOT chose to move forward with the 4-to-3 Lane Road Diet on Upper Telegraph Avenue. To read more about the design decision, please see the Memo from OakDOT Director Josh Rowan, as well as our Community Engagement and Outreach Summary.
Telegraph Avenue from 52nd Street to Woolsey Street will be repaved as part of Oakland’s Five-year Paving Plan. This paving work presents an opportunity for the City to integrate design elements that will enhance connectivity and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders.
Between 52nd Street and 55th Street, Telegraph is part of the city’s Pedestrian High Injury Network - the 6% of city streets that are responsible for 60% of reported collisions. On the full project corridor, there were 52 crashes between 2017 and 2021. Notably, during the available years of recorded data, one fatality occurred on this portion of Telegraph.
The City's 2019 Bike Plan, Let's Bike Oakland!, recommends protected bike lanes along Telegraph. AC Transit's 2016 Major Corridors Study recommends bus-only lanes on Telegraph.
This project will include design elements that slow traffic, provide physical separation between bicycles and vehicles, increase pedestrian visibility, and maintain efficient transit operations.
Planned Improvements Include:
- Separated bike lanes
- Upgraded and new curb ramps
- High-visibility crosswalks
- Bus boarding islands
Potential Improvements Include:
- Bus-only lanes
- Flashing lights at crosswalks
- Pedestrian refuge islands
- And more
August 7, 2024: OakDOT Selects Complete Streets Design for Upper Telegraph Avenue Project
Between August 2023 and February 2024, OakDOT conducted extensive community outreach on two conceptual designs:
- Option 1: 4-to-3 Lane Road Diet + Separated Bike Lanes
- Option 2: Bus-Only Lane Design + Separated Bike Lanes
Outreach included a project Open House, an online survey with 1,154 respondents (52% living along the project corridor), visits to over 60 businesses, discussions with over 150 transit riders, and almost 3,000 project postcards mailed to businesses and residents on and near the project corridor. Staff also analyzed policy guidance and transit and traffic operations, among other factors.
After in-depth analysis of all data, OakDOT has chosen to move forward with the 4-to-3 Lane Road Diet on Upper Telegraph Avenue.
This design will enable the installation of the greatest number of pedestrian safety improvements, more comfortable facilities for bicyclists, more features for people with disabilities, more commercial loading and parking, and more amenities for transit riders, all while having minimal impacts to current transit operations (3 second delay southbound, 9 seconds faster northbound). Among other elements, the project design will feature a slower, calmer roadway for all users, fully separated bike lanes, pedestrian safety islands, and transit improvements, including approximately 10 bus boarding islands with shelters and seating.
To read more about the design decision, please see the Memo from OakDOT Director Josh Rowan, as well as our Community Engagement and Outreach Summary. You can also review the early conceptual designs for the entire project corridor and send us feedback at telegraph@oaklandca.gov.
In August and September 2024, OakDOT staff will be visiting businesses and property owners on Telegraph Avenue to discuss specific needs that may need to be accommodated with the selected design for the corridor.
** Read a summary of our community engagement and outreach leading up to our overall design decision for the project. **
January 2025
35% designs available on webpage. Staff shared via email list, webpage, and outreach to establishments on the project corridor and other stakeholders.
Aug/Sept 2024
Staff visited establishments on the project corridor to discuss the design decision and share early conceptual designs for the entire project corridor.
Late summer/Early fall 2023: Beginning of project outreach
Public meetings and engagement opportunities have included:
- 10/10/23: Shattuck NCPC Meeting
- Dec 2023 - January 2024: Project survey
- 1/7/24: Temescal Farmer's Market, 9am-1pm
- 1/17/24: Project Open House, 5pm-7pm, Temescal Library
- 2/7/24: Mayor's Commission on Aging, 10am-12pm, City Hall, Hearing Room 1
- 2/26/24: Mayor's Commission on Persons with Disabilities, 5:30pm-7:30pm, City Hall, Hearing Room 1
- 8/27/24: Telegraph Temescal Business Improvement District Board meeting
- 9/19/24: Telegraph Temescal Business Improvement District Design Committee meeting
In December 2014, Oakland City Council adopted the Telegraph Avenue Complete Streets Plan which proposed complete street improvements for Telegraph Avenue. In April 2016, the Oakland Department of Transportation (OakDOT) built a pilot project with temporary protected bike lanes from 17th Street to 29th Street as part of a repaving project.
OakDOT leveraged paving projects in 2016 and 2021 to provide temporary improvements between 20th Street and 52nd Street through three project phases -- KONO, Pill Hill/Mosswood, and Temescal. This Telegraph Avenue Paving Project will build on these past projects by extending complete streets improvements all the way to the Berkeley border.
For a more detailed history, including evaluations of the projects, visit the Telegraph Avenue Corridor Improvements page.