The OAK311 mobile app and SeeClickFix web portal will be down from Thursday February 13th at 7:00 pm to Saturday February 15th at 11:59pm for a software update. During this time, we will only be responding to infrastructure emergencies. To report an infrastructure emergency, please call us by dialing 3-1-1 (if in Oakland) or (510) 615-5566.

West Oakland Transit Improvements

Upgrades to as many as 14 bus stops in West Oakland, along with the removal of unused railroad tracks at one location



The first component of the project includes capital improvements to improve transit efficiency, safety, and reliability. It includes bus stop improvements to address substandard sidewalks, improve ADA compliance at bus stops, and enhance street crossings. Additionally, the project will improve transit operations at stops by adding appropriate red curb markings to allow buses to pull flush with the curb and installing bus boarding islands or bus bulbs to accommodate in-lane bus stops. The scope also includes the removal of one railroad crossing at Poplar Street and 14th Street as part of the repaving of Poplar Street. Removing this section of inactive track will significantly improve speed (currently bus drivers must perform a complete stop before railroad sections), reliability, and reduce vehicle idling in West Oakland.

The second component of the project includes an institutional transit pass planning and pilot program. AC Transit currently offers an institutional pass program –EasyPass –for members of a residential community, employees in a company, or college students. This grant will provide AC Transit and OakDOT with the opportunity to identify a potential EasyPass administrator, along with sufficient residential buildings and/or employers to participate. AC Transit will work with the administrator to contract for EasyPasses to be offered and distributed through an up to two-year pilot program.