In March, in order to define a broader planning and investment approach to realize the intent of the Black Arts Movement and Business District (BAMBD), Councilmember Fife requested an informational report on key approaches and methods:
(1) an accounting of available City funds to (a) implement a series of public streetscape upgrades along Oakland's 14th Street corridor to uplift the BAMBD; (b) support arts and cultural institutions in the BAMBD, including cornerstone legacy African American institutions; and (c) create a BAMBD Business Improvement District (BID) for ongoing revenue generation for tenant support, facade improvement, place-making, space activation, accessibility, and safety improvements within the BAMBD, which the report shall include the following:
1. A proposal with a map, developed in collaboration with the District 3 Office, that clearly delineates the boundaries of the BAMBD and the institutions that are or should be within the proposed boundaries;
2. Recommendations on coordinating with representatives from the BAMBD, to adopt policies and plans to further strengthen the BAMBD and ensure long-term vitality and support for arts and cultural institutions and activities in the District;
3. A proposal to expend available funds designated for the BAMBD and to secure additional resources to help facilitate the formation of a managing entity for the BAMBD and to help initiate the creation of a BID as a financing tool to sustain the BAMBD in the long-termand start the process of implementing infrastructural improvements, beautification, direct business support, series of public streetscape improvements, including public banners and signage that identifies the District and other improvements to the BAMBD, consistent with the intent of this Resolution;
4. A proposal to start the process of creating and installing branded logos, plaques, signage and other materials to clearly designate the BAMBD and the develop, foster, and promote businesses, events, and activities within the District through traditional and social media sources; and
5. Recommendations on economic workforce and business development strategies for the BAMBD, including programs to support legacy businesses with increasing their revenue generating capacity, incubation of new businesses and arts and cultural institutions, and a marketing plan.
(2) The report also requested recommendations for the adoption of legislation that would establish a Black Arts Movement Special (“S”) Zoning District or similar zoning control, as well as additional actions that would address the development, construction, and preservation issues identified in this Resolution, which the report shall include the following:
1. A recommendation on geographic boundaries for the Black Arts Movement Special Zoning District;
2. A proposal for community engagement with BAMBD businesses and residents;
3. A timeline for adoption that incorporates necessary public hearings and notice requirements;
4. A review of the 2021 Zoning Code Bulletin to determine whether aspects of the Bulletin should be incorporated into the Black Arts Movement Special Zoning District or otherwise incorporated into the Oakland Municipal Code;
5. Consideration of incorporating provisions of the Draft Downtown Oakland Specific Plan related to the BAMBD into the Black Arts Movement Special Zoning District;
6. Other recommendations for the Black Arts Movement Special Zoning District with the intent of strengthening existing businesses and fostering arts and culture within the District;
7. A proposal to prepare a revised historic resource survey of properties with frontages along 14th Street from Oak Street/Lakeside Drive to Castro Street which shall include recommendations for properties eligible for Landmark status; and
8. A summary of existing applicable standard conditions of approval that are intended to address the short and long-term impacts of construction and a plan for addressing those conditions of approval as part of Phase 2 of the City of Oakland General Plan Update.
Read the legislation here.