Militarized Equipment Ad Hoc Committee

Oakland Police Commission - Ad Hoc Committee on Militarized Equipment

The Ad Hoc Committee on Militarized Equipment is currently reviewing a draft policy on the Oakland Police Department's use of armored vehicles.

The latest working draft of that training bulletin as discussed by the Ad Hoc Committee on Militarized Equipment is available for public review:

TB III P 04 Armored Vehicles Ad Hoc Rev1

The original draft policy sent to the Commission for review is also available:

TB III P 04 Armored Vehicles Rev921154

Policy Brief and Sample Policies from Other Jurisdictions

The Police Commission Ad Hoc Committee on Militarized Equipment received a policy brief on the proposed Training Bulletin:

Armored Vehicle Policy Background Brief

Additionally, the Committee reviewed sample armored vehicle polices from around the country, including several that are referenced in the background brief. All of these documents are available for review by the public:

The current version of the draft Armored Vehicle policy being considered by the Ad Hoc Committee on Militarized Equipment references other OPD General Orders and Training Bulletins. The OPD policies referenced are available at the links below.

Department General Order K-5 Tactical Teams:

OPD DGO K 5 Tactical Teams

Training Bulletin III-Q on risk assessment and operation plans:

TB III Q Risk Assessment Overview and Ops Plan 19 Jul00

The standard OPD operations plan report template is also available:

Ops Plan and Risk Assessment Report

Oakland Police Commission - Controlled Equipment Ordinance

In October 2019 Henry Gage III (then a member of the public) introduced a draft ordinance to regulate the Oakland Police Department’s acquisition and use of militarized equipment. This draft ordinance was the result of many hours of diligent work by community advocates who want to ensure that the tools and tactics deployed by the police are subject to appropriate oversight, and reasonable checks and balances.

The Commission tabled discussion of this draft until November 2019. During a November 14, 2019 meeting the Commission created an ad hoc committee to manage the creation of this draft legislation, and to make recommendations to the Commission for further action. The ad hoc was comprised of Vice Chair Gage, Alternate Commissioner David Jordan, and Alternate Commissioner Chris Brown.

The Committee met with community advocates, elected officials, and police department staff to discuss the proposed ordinance, gather policy feedback, hear practical concerns about implementation, and review proposed amendments. Community advocates organized and produced a townhall on militarized policing, and recorded testimony from Oakland residents. These meetings guided the development of working drafts, which were first presented to the Police Commission for review and comment during the Commission’s November 14, 2019 meeting. Discussion on updated drafts were continued on a number of occasions, and feedback was received from Commissioners and members of the public.

The Commission voted to approve the proposed Ordinance and to send it to the Oakland City Council for consideration on June 25, 2020.

Oakland Police Commission Controlled Equipment Ordinance and supporting materials:

Militarized Equipment Ordinance amended Police Commission 25june2020

OPD Bearcat/Armored Vehicle Deployments

In preparation for the work of the Militarized Equipment Ad Hoc Committee, a public records request was filed with the Oakland Police Department for a record of all deployments of the Department's Bearcat Armored Vehicle from Jan 2018 through the June 2019. The response to that request is below:

Armored Vehicle Deployments PRR 190927 1300 2018 and 1st and 2nd qtr 2019

Community members of the Ad Hoc Committee created an interactive map of these deployments, which KTVU posted in a very useful overview of the debate on armored vehicles, here:

Members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Militarized Equipment - January 2021

Police Commission


  • Omar Farmer, Community Member
  • Anne Janks, Coalition for Police Accountability
  • John Lindsay-Poland, American Friends Service Committee

Oakland Police Department

  • Deputy Chief LeRonne Armstrong
  • Training Division Staff

Meetings & Community Input

Militarized Equipment Ad Hoc Community Comment Meeting Flier
  • Community Comment Meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on Militarized Equipment
    Monday, January 11, 2021
    Meeting: 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm
    Public Comment: 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm
    To Attend on Zoom:

A recording of the Militarized Equipment Ad Hoc Committee Community Comment Session is available online:

Militarized Equipment Ad Hoc Committee Meeting 1/11/21

Posted: January 7th, 2021 9:00 AM

Last Updated: June 1st, 2023 10:35 AM

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