The OAK311 mobile app and SeeClickFix web portal will be down from Thursday February 13th at 7:00 pm to Saturday February 15th at 11:59pm for a software update. During this time, we will only be responding to infrastructure emergencies. To report an infrastructure emergency, please call us by dialing 3-1-1 (if in Oakland) or (510) 615-5566.

Oakland Bicycle Plan

Oakland’s Bicycle Plan is part of the Land Use and Transportation Element of the City’s General Plan.

A current, approved bicycle plan is required to be eligible for certain grants and by the Alameda County Transportation Commission for local jurisdictions receiving Measure B/BB funds. The first bicycle plan was adopted in 1999, revised in December 2007, reaffirmed in 2012, and comprehensively updated in 2019.

"Oakland will be a bicycle-friendly city where bicycling provides affordable, safe and healthy mobility for all Oaklanders. New projects and programs will work to enhance existing communities and their mobility needs." City of Oakland Bike Plan (2019)

In July 2019 City Council unanimously adopted Let’s Bike Oakland!, an update to Oakland's Bicycle Plan. The plan reflects the thoughtful participation of over 3,500 Oaklanders during the planning process, whose input was critical in making sure this plan reflects the needs of all Oaklanders. Read press release.

Download the plan | Download excerpts: Chapters | Area Maps | Appendix

Track the City's plan implementation progress | View map of bicycle facilities to track progress

The Let's Bike Oakland planning process focused on:

  • Updating the 2007 Plan’s vision, goals, and policies with a focus on equity
  • Engaging Oaklanders and empower local community organizations to be leaders in this update
  • Developing an action plan with performance measures for increasing the number of people who bike, decreasing bicyclist crashes, and improving the quality of bikeways to serve all ages and abilities
  • Supporting and expanding existing community led programs to teach and support new and continuing bicyclists
  • Implementing the plan with a focus on equitable distribution of programs and projects

Equity Framework

Equity means that your identity as an Oaklander has no detrimental effect on the distribution of resources, opportunities, and outcomes for you as a resident. The Equity Framework asks: Who are the City’s most vulnerable groups? What is the desired condition of well-being that the City and residents want for Oakland’s most vulnerable communities? How can implementation of the Plan work towards these conditions? The Draft Plan defines future actions and way to measure progress on the plans four goals: Access, Health and Safety, Affordability and Collaboration.

Let’s Bike Oakland is organized around four goals:

  1. Access: Support increased access to neighborhood destinations such as grocery stores, libraries, schools, recreation centers, bus stops and BART.
  2. Health and Safety: Empower Oaklanders to live a more active lifestyle by providing a network of safe and comfortable bikeways for everyone to enjoy.
  3. Affordability: Work to reduce the burden of housing and transportation costs on households.
  4. Collaboration: Foster an increased role for the community in the planning process and impressed trust that the City will fulfill its promises.

Engagement by the numbers:

  • 60 community meetings or events
  • 3,644 people engaged in person
  • 1,351 subscribers on Oakland Bike Plan mailing list
  • 576 Oakland DOT staff hours in the community
  • Over 2,300 comments on the Bike Plan web maps

The outreach process was broken into three stages: listen, collaborate, and refine that aimed to build a common understanding of existing conditions and recommendations that started with listening, was strengthened by partnerships, and fine-tuned with feedback. Outreach included:

  • A representative survey to learn about Oaklanders’ experience biking
  • An Equity Framework to guide plan analysis, plan recommendations and engagement
  • The use of a digital engagement tools and in-person mobile workshops to meet people where they’re at, across the city
  • Partnering with community-based organizations to reach underrepresented Oaklanders, host community workshops, and help guide the plan recommendations. Check out what they each do for Oakland: East Oakland Collective, Outdoor Afro, Bikes4Life, Cycles of Change, The Scraper Bike Team

Posted: September 9th, 2018 1:02 PM

Last Updated: February 15th, 2024 11:11 AM

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