Current Environmental Review (CEQA/EIR) Documents (2011- present)

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is a state statute that requires state and local agencies to identify the significant environmental impacts of their actions and to avoid or mitigate those impacts, if feasible. The following documents pertain to projects with active case files that have been subject to CEQA or other environmental review.

Please note that the following projects are listed in historical order from oldest to newest.

View our archive of Cannabis Project CEQA Notices of Exemption (NOEs).

Project / Documents Case File Number

325 Seventh Street Project
325-335 7th Street; 320-330 6th Street; 621-635 Harrison Street

Initial Study
Draft Environmental Impact Report
Draft Environmental Impact Report -- Appendices
Final Environmental Impact Report
Addendum for revised 325 7th Street Project (CDV06573-R01)


College Avenue Safeway
6310 College Avenue at Claremont Avenue
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Documents


Gateway Community Development Project
Southside of East 12th Street between 26th Avenue and Derby Avenue

Draft EIR


Oakland Army Base Redevelopment Plan
Draft EIR-April 2002
Draft EIR Appendix-April 2002
Draft EIR Traffic Supplemental- April 2002
Final EIR-July 2002
Remedial Action Plan / Risk Management Plan (RAP/RMP) – Sept. 2002
RAP/RMP Letter
OARB Warehouse Feasibility Study - October 2006

Aggregate Recycling and Fill Project
Initial Study/Addendum

2012 Oakland Army Base Project

Summary of the 2012 OARB Initial Study/Addendum
Initial Study/Addendum (entire document)

Note: The IS/Addendum is also broken into four, smaller files for easier downloading: 1-Cover, TOC and Ch. 1 Introduction; 2-Ch. 2 Project Description; 3-Chapters 3.0 through 3.7; Chapters 3.8 through Chapter 4.0

Initial Study/Addendum Appendices:
Appendix A: Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Model Outputs
Appendix B: Transportation and Traffic Outputs
Appendix C: Water Supply Assessment Correspondence
Appendix D: Tidelands Trust Exchange Agreement Materials
Appendix E: 2002 Draft Environmental Impact Report
Appendix F: 2002 Final Environmental Impact Report
Appendix G: Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the OARB Automall Project
Appendix H: First Addendum to the Supplemental EIR for the OARB Automall Project
Appendix I: 2002 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Appendix J: 2012 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Roadmap
Appendix K: Draft Technical Memo: Traffic Analysis for Detour – 7th Street Grade Separation
Appendix L: Feasibility Study for Adaptive Reuse of the Existing OARB Warehouses

Standard Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Report (SCA/MMRP):

Adaptive Reuse Feasibility Studies:

Addendum No. 2 to the 2002 Oakland Army Base Reuse Plan EIR
CWS North Gateway Recycling Facility_Addendum July 2021


Oakland Army Base Auto Mall Project (2006)
Initial Study
Notice of Preparation
Draft SEIR
Notice of Availability of Final SEIR
Final SEIR
SEIR Addendum
SEIR Addendum Appendix


St John's Episcopal Church, Parking and New Sanctuary
5914 Thornhill Drive, 5928 Thornhill Drive, 1707 Gouldin Road, 1715 Gouldin Road, and 1676 Alhambra Lane

Initial Study
Draft Environmental Impact Report
Draft Environmental Impact Report -- Appendices
Final Environmental Impact Report
St. John's Revised Scour Report- Appendix B to the Final Environmental Impact Report


Children's Hospital
747 52nd Street

Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR
Historic Resource Evaluation for Children's Hospital
Draft Environmental Impact Report
Draft Environmental Impact Report -- Appendices A-B
Draft Environmental Impact Report -- Appendix C
Draft Environmental Impact Report -- Appendices D-E
Draft Environmental Impact Report -- Appendix F
Draft Environmental Impact Report -- Appendices G-I
Final Environmental Impact Report


Oakland Energy and Climate Action Plan (ECAP)
Addendum to Previous CEQA Documents

Broadway/MacArthur/San Pablo Redevelopment Plan Amendments
Notice of Preparation
Draft SEIR
Draft SEIR Appendices


Foothill Square Redevelopment Project
10700 MacArthur Boulevard and 10605 Foothill Boulevard
CEQA Documents


High and MacArthur Mixed Use Project
4311 & 4317 MacArthur Boulevard

Initial Study
Notice of Preparation of Draft EIR
Draft EIR
Draft EIR - Appendices
Final EIR


Emerald Views Project
222 19th Street

Draft Environmental Impact Report
Draft Environmental Impact Report --Technical Appendices Volume I
Draft Environmental Impact Report --Technical Appendices Volume II


42nd Avenue/High Street Access Improvement Project
2012 Addendum to the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Combined Project Study Report (PSR) / Project Report

Lake Merritt Station Area Plan
Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) July 28, 2014 
Notice of Preparation (DEIR)
Notice of Availability (DEIR)
Draft Environmental Impact Report -- Volume I
Draft Environmental Impact Report -- Volume II
Appendix A: NOC and Comment Letters
Appendix B: Development Potential
Appendix C: Active Major Development Projects in Planning Area and Vicinity
Appendix D: Transportation and Traffic
Appendix E: CalEEMod Emissions Estimate Detail
Appendix F: Water Demand Estimate Summary
Appendix G: Cultural Resources Letter
Appendix H: Alameda Point Project DEIR, Transportation and Circulation Chapter

For more information on the Project, visit the Lake Merritt Station Area Plan project website


Broadway / Valdez District Specific Plan
Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) May 1, 2014
Notice of Availability (NOA) of Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), April 24, 2014
Notice of Preparation
Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) - All Chapters
Appendix A, Notice of Preparation, Public Scoping, and Comments
Appendix B, Major Projects List
Appendix C, Visual Simulations Map and Existing Conditions Figures
Appendix D, Historic Resources Inventory
Appendix E, Greenhouse Gases, Air Quality, and Noise Supplemental Information
Appendix F, Biological Resources Supplemental Information
Appendix G, Transportation and Circulation Supplemental Information
Appendix H, Water Supply Assessment
Appendix I, Alternatives Analysis Supplemental Information

DEIR Chapters separated for easier download:
DEIR, Notice of Availability, Intro - Chapter 3
DEIR, Chapter 4.1 to 4.7
DEIR, Chapter 4.8 to 4.14
DEIR, Chapters 5 to 7


1800 San Pablo Avenue Project (Fox Block Project)
1800 San Pablo Avenue

Notice of Preparation
Revised Notice of Preparation
Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report


The Shops at Broadway (Broadway @ 30th Street)
3001-3039 Broadway
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Documents


Safeway Redevelopment Project (Broadway @ Pleasant Valley Avenue)
5050-5100 Broadway
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Documents


West Oakland Specific Plan
Environmental Impact Report Documents


Coliseum Area Specific Plan
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Documents


Leona Heights Sulfur Mine Remediation Project
Eastern terminus of McDonnell Avenue

Notice of Creek Permit Application and Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
Draft Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration
Draft Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration - Appendices


EBMUD Master Plan EIR
Addendum to EBMUD Master Plan EIR, November 2013

3093 Broadway
3093 Broadway
CEQA Documents


2935 Telegraph Avenue Project (Courthouse Condominiums)
2935 Telegraph Avenue

Updated CEQA Analyses
Draft EIR (ER06-0012)
Final EIR (ER06-0012)


2270 Broadway
2270 Broadway
CEQA Documents


23rd Street and Valdez Project
2302 Valdez Street
CEQA Documents


Oak Knoll Mixed Use Community Plan Project
Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report
Notice of Availability and Release of the Draft Supplemental EIR (SEIR)
Draft SEIR
V-Z, minus W
Replacement CMP Analysis (Attachment V-H if this is corrupted)
Response to Comment / Final Supplemental EIR
Final Supplemental EIR Appendices


City Center PUD
Oakland City Center PUD DEIR
Oakland City Center PUD FEIR
Oakland City Center Project T5 & T6 Addendum
City Center T56 Samuel Merritt University Project Addendum
Oakland City Center T12 Addendum
Oakland City Center T12 Addendum Appendix A
Oakland City Center T12 Addendum Appendix B
Oakland City Center T12 Addendum Appendix C
Oakland City Center T12 Addendum Appendix D
Oakland City Center T12 Addendum Appendix E
Oakland City Center T12 Addendum Appendix F

ER030021, PLN21249-ER01

2315 Valdez Street 2330 Webster Street Project
2315 Valdez Street – 2330 Webster Street
CEQA Documents


1700 Webster Project
1700 Webster Street
CEQA Documents


Jack London District 4th & Madison Project
180 4th Street and 431 Madison Street
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Documents


1640 Broadway Project
1640 Broadway

2000 Draft Environmental Impact Report
2000 Final Environmental Impact Report
2015 CEQA Analysis


Broadway & 27th Project
2630 Broadway
CEQA Documents 


250 14th Street Mixed‐Use Project
250 14th Street
CEQA Documents


2400 Valdez Project
2400 Valdez Street
CEQA Documents 


500 Kirkham Street Project
500 Kirkham Street
CEQA Analysis Checklist
CEQA Analysis

PLN15211 / ER16004 / PLN17428

5110 Telegraph Avenue Project
5110 Telegraph Avenue

CEQA Analysis

PLN15074 / ER16006

226 13th Street Project
226 13th Street
CEQA Documents


Claremont Hotel Club Expansion and Residential Project
41 Tunnel Road

Notice of Preparation


Mountain View Cemetery Expansion Project (2016)
5000 Piedmont Avenue

Draft Environmental Impact Report (June 15, 2016)
DEIR Appendices (June 15, 2016)
FEIR Notice of Availability (October 27, 2017)
Final Environmental Impact Report (October 27, 2017)


24th and Harrison Streets Project
277 27th Street and 300, 302, and 304 24th Street
CEQA Documents

PLN16080 & PLN16080-R01

W12 Mixed Use Project
285 and 301 12th Street

CEQA Analysis Checklist


28th and Broadway (Broadstone on Broadway)
2800-2820 Broadway & 2855 Broadway
CEQA Documents


3000 Broadway
3000 Broadway
CEQA Documents


19th and Harrison Street Project
1750 Webster Street, 1810 Webster Street and 301 19th Street
CEQA Documents


0 Manzanita Drive
Manzanita Drive between 2199 and 2211 Manzanita

CEQA Environmental Review Checklist


MacArthur Transit Village
Draft EIR (Part 1, Part 2, Appendices 1, Appendices 2)
Final EIR
Addendum #1 (2010)
Addendum #2 (2011)
Addendum #3 (2015)
Addendum #4


Eastline Project - 2100 Telegraph
2100 Telegraph Avenue
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Documents


500 Grand Avenue Project
500 Grand Avenue
CEQA Documents


Brooklyn Basin (formerly Oak-to-Ninth)
Draft EIR
Final EIR
EIR Recertification
Addendum #1
COA19 Timing Tech Memo
COA19 Timing Change Memo
Updated Notice of Availability for Draft EIR Marina Expansion Project (July 2021)

Notice of Availability for Brooklyn Basin Marina Expansion FSEIR (December 2022)
Brooklyn Basin Marina Expansion FSEIR (December 2022)


1314 Franklin Street Mixed-Use Project
1314 Franklin Street
CEQA Documents


Oakland Walks! 2017 Pedestrian Master Plan Update
CEQA Analysis
2002 Pedestrian Master Plan - Mitigated Negative Declaration


1721 Webster Street Project
1715 Webster Street, 1727 Webster Street, 1721 Webster Street, 1717 Webster Street
CEQA Documents


2305 Webster Street Mixed-Use Residential Project
2305 Webster Street
CEQA Documents


2500 Webster Street Project
2500 Webster Street

CEQA Analysis Checklist


411 West MacArthur Boulevard Project
411 W. MacArthur Boulevard

CEQA Analysis Checklist


International Boulevard Senior Housing
Southeast corner of 105th Avenue and International Boulevard
CEQA Analysis


2015 Telegraph Ave
2015 Telegraph Avenue and 2003 Telegraph Avenue
CEQA Analysis


2016 Telegraph Ave Project
2016 Telegraph Avenue and 490 Thomas L. Berkley Way
CEQA Analysis


1431 Jefferson Street Marriott Hotel Project
1431 Jefferson Street

CEQA Analysis

PL17033 / ER17003

Coliseum Area Redevelopment Plan
Draft EIR


2401 Broadway Project
2401 Broadway
CEQA Analysis


1100 Broadway Project
1100 Broadway

Addendum #3 (Draft)

CMD07390-R01 / ER97-32

Lighthouse Academy Project
701-735 105th Avenue

CEQA Analysis


1450 32nd Street Project
1450 32nd Street

CEQA Analysis


2 Kaiser Plaza Project
325 22nd St

CEQA Analysis

PLN17384 / ER16016

2044 Franklin Street Mixed-Use Project
2044 Franklin Street

CEQA Analysis


3300 Broadway Project
3300 Broadway

CEQA Analysis


Mandela Parkway Hotel Project
0 Mandela Parkway

CEQA Analysis


1940 Webster Street Mixed-Use Project
1940 Webster Street
CEQA Analysis


1433 Webster Street Mixed-Use Project
1433 Webster Street and 359 15th Street
CEQA Analysis


Aspire ERES Academy International Boulevard Project
Southwest of the intersection of Derby Avenue and East 15th Street
CEQA Analysis


1900 Broadway Project
1900 Broadway

Updated CEQA Analysis


6501 Shattuck Avenue Mixed-Use Project
6501 Shattuck Avenue

CEQA Analysis


The Phoenix
801 Pine Street

CEQA Analysis


2201 Valley Street Project
2200 Telegraph Avenue, 2201 Valley Street
CEQA Analysis


GE Site Redevelopment
5441 International Boulevard
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Documents


Head-Royce School
4315 Lincoln Avenue

Notice of Availability of Head-Royce School PUD Final EIR

Head-Royce School PUD Project Final EIR

Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report

Head-Royce School Planned Unit Development (PUD) Project Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)

Head-Royce School Draft Environmental Impact Report Notice of Availability


1750 Broadway Project
1750 Broadway

CEQA Analysis


Oakland Civic Auditorium Rehabilitation Project
10 10th Street

CEQA Analysis


4255 MacArthur Boulevard Project
4255 MacArthur Boulevard

CEQA Analysis


Kaiser Center Office Project
300 Lakeside Drive
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Documents


Leimert Blvd Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project
CEQA Analysis


California College of the Arts Redevelopment Project
5200 Broadway, 5276 Broadway

Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Documents


230-240 West MacArthur Blvd Mixed-Use Project (One Piedmont)
230-240 West MacArthur Blvd

CEQA Analysis (Addendum to Kaiser Permanente OMC Master Plan Project EIR)

PLN17257-R01 / TPM10775

Oakland A's Waterfront Ballpark District at Howard Terminal
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Documents


Downtown Oakland Specific Plan
Public Review Draft of Downtown Oakland Specific Plan CEQA Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
Public Review Draft of Downtown Oakland Specific Plan CEQA Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Appendices


88 Grand Avenue Project
80-88 Grand Avenue, 2250 Broadway
CEQA Analysis


5200 Old Redwood Road Single Family Residence
5200 Old Redwood Road

CEQA Notice of Intent to Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration
CEQA Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration
CEQA Notice of Determination for Mitigated Negative Declaration


500 Lake Park Apartments
500 Lake Park Avenue

NEPA Environmental Assessment Determination and Findings (May 2020)


2600 Telegraph Ave Project
2600 -2630 Telegraph Avenue

CEQA Exemption Analysis


2715 Adeline Street Project
2715 Adeline Street

CEQA Analysis


Viewcrest Townhouses Project
Notice of Availability (NOA) of Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)

Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)

Notice of Preparation (NOP) of Environmental Impact Report


West Oakland BART TOD (Mandela Station)
1451 7th Street
Environmental Review Documents


Longfellow Corner
3801-3829 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Environmental Assessment for Longfellow Corner (Sep. 2020)


Oakland Vegetation Management Plan EIR
Supplemental Notice of Availability (NOA): Notice of Extended Comment Period for the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Oakland Vegetation Management Plan (PDF)

Corrected Notice of Availability (NOA) of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Oakland Vegetation Management Plan and Notice of Public Hearing on DEIR
Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Oakland Vegetation Management Plan (PDF)
Cover and Table of Contents (DEIR) (PDF)
Executive Summary (DEIR) (PDF)
Chapter 1 - Introduction (DEIR) (PDF)
Chapter 2 - Project Description (DEIR) (PDF)
Chapter 3 - Environmental Setting, Impacts and Mitigations - Sections 1 to 3 (DEIR) (PDF)
Chapter 3 - Environmental Setting, Impacts and Mitigations - Section 4 (DEIR) (PDF)
Chapter 3 - Environmental Setting, Impacts and Mitigations - Sections 5 to 14 (DEIR) (PDF)
Chapter 4 - Other Statutory Considerations (DEIR) (PDF)
Chapter 5 - Alternatives (DEIR) (PDF)
Chapter 6 - References (DEIR) (PDF)
Chapter 7 - Report Preparation (DEIR) (PDF)
Appendices to the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) (PDF)
Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR for the Oakland Vegetation Management Plan – November 1, 2019 (PDF)


2424 Webster Office Project
2424 Webster Street

CEQA Analysis


7th & Campbell Mixed-Use Project
166 7th Street

7th & Campbell EA 1-15-21
Appendix A-C
Appendix D-E
Appendix F-J
Appendix K-O


24th & Waverly Project
261, 265, and 271 24th Street; 2359 Harrison Street; 2342, 2346, 2350, and 2356 Waverly Street

CEQA Analysis


Mosswood Park Master Plan
3612 Webster Street

Initial Study/Negative Declaration
Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration


1510 Webster Street Project
1510 Webster Street

CEQA Analysis


1396 5th Street Mixed-Use Project
CEQA Analysis


Ancora Place
2227-2257 International Boulevard
Environmental Assessment (April 2021)
Signature page and Noise Waiver


285 12th Street Affordable Family Housing
285 12th Street Documents


2432 Chestnut Street Residential Project
CEQA Analysis


2021 Peralta Hacienda Historic Park Master Plan update CM02160-R01
2002 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
2021 Addendum

415 Thomas L Berkley Way (20th Street)


1045 Derby Avenue & 0 29th Avenue
CEQA Analysis
Appendices A - O


316 12th St
CEQA Checklist Final July 2021
Attachment A-SCAMMRP Final
Attachment B-Consistency Final
Attachment C-Qualified Infill Final
Attachment D-Infill Exemp Final


Veteran’s Square Affordable Housing
ERR Memorandum 2021
Environmental Assessment May 2016
Re-Evaluation June 2016


820 West MacArthur Boulevard
820 West MacArthur Boulevard Checklist
Attachment A - City of Oakland Supplemental Form
Attachment B - Applicant's Justification for Waivers and Concessions
Attachment C - Standard Conditions of Approval and MMRP
Attachment D - Project Consistency with Community Plans or Zoning
Attachment E - Infill Performance Standards
Attachment F - Criteria for Use of Addendum
Attachment G - Geotechnical Investigation Report
Attachment H - PI ESA and PII Subsurface Investigation Report
Attachment I - Corrective Action Plan
Attachment J - Transportation Study


3600 Alameda Avenue Project
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Documents


3403 Piedmont Avenue Project
Final CEQA Analysis


460 24th St. (Pigozzi Project)


Oakland 2045 General Plan Update

GP21002; GP21002-ER01; ZA 23002

2929 Broadway Mixed Use Project
CEQA Analysis


3050 International Blvd.
Environmental Assessment (October 2022)
EA Appendices

EA Signature Page


The Phoenix Project - 801 Pine Street/ 800 Cedar Street
Environmental Assessment (November 2022)
EA Signature Page

Noise Waiver


Inn by the Coliseum - 4801 Coliseum Way
Environmental Assessment (November 2022)
EA Signature Page
Noise Waiver
Attachments A-W


1431 Franklin Street - Office Project
CEQA Analysis

Errata Memo


1431 Franklin Street - Residential Project
CEQA Analysis

Errata Memo


1453 23rd Avenue - Charter School
CEQA Analysis
Non-CEQA Transportation Analysis


Lincoln Square Recreation Center
250 10th Street
CEQA Consistency Determination


San Antonio Park Master Plan
1701 East 19th Street

CEQA Checklist


1600 Harrison Street
NEPA Environmental Analysis (Categorically Excluded Subject To) (July 2023)

CEST Appendices


1919 Webster Street
CEQA Analysis


533 Kirkham Street
CEQA Analysis


East 12th Street Affordable Apartments
121 E. 12th Street
NEPA Documents


Lifelong Medical
10605 Foothill Blvd.

CEQA Analysis


Supply Bank at Oakport
5601 Oakport Street
CEQA Documents


Lake Merritt BART PUD
51 9th Street
Environmental Documents

PLN20038 & PLN20108

Oakland Roots/Soul Temporary Stadium
8000 S. Coliseum Way
Environmental Documents


Posted: May 6th, 2020 2:37 PM

Last Updated: June 18th, 2024 1:39 PM

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