Community Vulnerability Maps and Resources for Hazard Mitigation

City of Oakland Hazard Mapper- The information contained on the City of Oakland’s Hazard Mitigation Story Map website is based on the data used to form the hazard analysis for the 2021 City of Oakland Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). The Local Hazard Mitigation Plan establish a promotes a comprehensive strategy to protect the whole community and environment from identified natural and manmade hazards. The City is regularly maintaining the information in their databases and GIS layers, in order to maintain the quality and timeliness of the data.

Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) Adapting to Rising Tides- Providing support, guidance, tools and information to help agencies and organizations understand, communicate and begin to resolve complex climate change issues within the San Francisco Bay. View their Flood Explorer to see how your community may be impacted by rising sea levels and how social vulnerability can increase risk in their Community Vulnerability tool.

Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Regional Resilience Program- Assists Bay Area local governments and residents in planning for earthquakes, the effects of climate change and other hazards. They support recovery and hazard mitigation with robust, curated tools for research, planning, policy, implementation and funding for resilience initiatives.

Alameda County Disaster Preparedness Resources- Links to AC Alert, the official emergency communications channel for Alameda County, as well as trainings for small business and addressing wildfire and heat.

Posted: August 31st, 2018 3:44 PM

Last Updated: November 1st, 2023 3:54 PM

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