Invest in Oakland

Opportunities abound in California's most diverse and innovative city. Be part of Oakland’s growing investments in healthcare, advanced manufacturing, climate technology and more!

Invest in Oakland Image
Business Development team photo

Oakland's Business Development team is your partner to guide you through your business expansion and relocation needs. Contact us today and explore Oakland for your businesses growth.

Our Resources for Businesses Available Now:

  • Site selection support
  • Navigation support through permitting and entitlements from Business Development staff
  • Feedback on conceptual ideas from Business Development staff, as well as Zoning, Planning, Building, and Fire permitting staff.
  • Streamlined and immediate (pay and go!) online permits for frequently-used building permits for simple construction projects: HVAC, electrical, and plumbing
  • Ecosystem connections to industry associations, local chambers of commerce, and business improvement districts (BIDS)
  • Connections to Oakland business-community resources
  • Facilitated discussions with City officials
  • Active community safety and ambassador programs in our commercial corridors
  • The Downtown Oakland Specific Plan (adopted July 2024) immediately makes opening a business in Downtown Oakland faster and easier:
    • Relaxes land use regulations to help fill vacant ground floor spaces;  
    • Creates a new “artisan production” commercial use to allow small scale, pedestrian-friendly manufacturing throughout downtown;  
    • Creates other immediate changes to shape new development to support a more active, lively and culturally vibrant downtown. 

Posted: September 26th, 2024 3:21 PM

Last Updated: September 26th, 2024 4:55 PM

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