Level 2 Use of Force (UOF)

Level 2 UOF represents the 2nd most severe level of force (1 being most severe, 4 being least severe). Read below to learn more about types of Level 2 UOF as well as about OPD UOF definitions and policies.

Definitions and Policies
Learn more about how OPD UOF definitions and policies

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Level 2 Uses of Force include the following:

  • Any strike to the head (except for an intentional strike with an impact weapon)
  • Application of a carotid restraint without the loss of consciousness
  • Any use of an impact weapon or any other object with contact, regardless of injury
  • Any unintentional firearm discharge without injury
  • Any bite by a police canine
  • Any use of force resulting in injury requiring emergency medical treatment (beyond first aid) or hospital admittance

Posted: August 31st, 2018 3:44 PM

Last Updated: January 20th, 2021 7:59 PM

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