Impact Fee Amounts

Summary Tables of City of Oakland Impact Fees
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Transportation, Capital Improvements, and Affordable Housing Impact Fees Summary
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Inflationary Adjustments to the Jobs Housing Impact Fee 2023-24

Types of projects subject to Impact Fees

  • Affordable Housing Impact Fees
    • New housing units (including single-family, townhome, multi-family, live/work, and work/live units)
  • Transportation and Capital Improvements Impact Fees
    • New housing units (including single family, townhome, multi-family, live/work, and work/live units)
    • New nonresidential projects
    • Nonresidential projects with additional floor area
    • Nonresidential projects with a "Change and Intensification of Use"
  • Jobs/Housing Impact Fees (for projects that are 25,000 square feet or greater)
    • New nonresidential buildings or additions for office or warehouse projects
    • Nonresidential projects with a "Change and Intensification of Use" to an office or warehouse
    • A nonresidential building that is vacant for a year or more that obtains a building permit for an office or warehouse activity
  • Other Existing Fees
    • School Fees (Residential = $4.08 per sf and Commercial = $0.66 per sf)

Posted: August 31st, 2018 3:44 PM

Last Updated: September 18th, 2023 5:30 PM

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