Keep all roadways free of construction materials and equipment that could block access by responding emergency vehicles. Park all trucks, trailers, dumpsters, heavy equipment, cement mixers etc. on one side of the street at the construction job site leaving an open lane for vehicular traffic and emergency response vehicles. Parking in posted "No Parking" zones and painted "Red Zones" is a violation of the California Vehicle Code and will be enforced.
Hill Areas
Construction that occurs within the established boundaries of the Wildfire Prevention Benefit Assessment District of the Oakland Hills must comply with fire-safe practices including having fire extinguishing apparatus on-site (fire extinguishers or connected / ready to use water hoses) no open flames, no smoking on "Red Flag" high fire danger days and conscientious use of power tools and mechanical equipment.
Erosion Control
Best management practices must be used daily to protect inland and bay waterways.
Toilet Accommodations
Toilet facilities are required at or adjacent to the work site per OMC 15.04.080.
Illegal Dumping
Disposal receipts are required as part of the sign-off and closure
Building Department, Fire Marshal's Office, Parking and Traffic Enforcement, Public Works Agency, and the Police Department, are authorized to abate public safety violations. Failure to comply will result in permit suspension, citations, fees, and penalties.
Read the Oakland Noise Ordinance online here.
250 Frank H Ogawa Plaza
2nd Floor
Oakland, CA 94612