
Parklet Program

Parklets are platforms that convert on-street parking spaces into vibrant community spaces. Parklets expand seating capacity at adjacent restaurants, businesses, and community-based organizations.

Restorative Justice for Youth

The OYC is thrilled to partner with Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth (RJOY) this year. So many of the issues we have been working on for the past couple of years, kept pointing us towards a need for more restorative justice in this city. Ten of our commissioners have been trained to become certified RJ Circle Keepers, and now, we are leading healing circles around our community and Youth Commission.

Oakland Cultural Strategist Public Art Workshops (2023)

A series of workshops offered in 2023 for Oakland artists interested in public art. Check out the worksheet and videos below to learn more about getting involved in public art! Hosted by Kristen Zaremba, Oakland Cultural Affairs Public Art Coordinator and Oakland Cultural Strategist for Public Art, Sorell Raino-Tsui.

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