
FEMA's Business Power Outage Toolkit

According to Agility Recovery, 70 percent of businesses or organizations will face a power outage within the next 12 months. Therefore, it is important business owners understand the potential impacts.

Online Privacy and Security Policy

Thank you for visiting the City of Oakland's Web site and reviewing our Privacy and Security Policy. This policy addresses collection, use and security of and access to information that may be obtained through use of City of Oakland digital assets (i.e., It is provided for informational purposes only. The information presented here is not meant to be a contract of any type, either express or implied, and should not be treated as such by site visitors. The information in this statement and/or the policies described here may change at any time, without prior notice to any visitor.

Find a Blue Disabled Parking Zone

Looking for a blue zone? Find one in the interactive map or table below. Blue Zones provide dedicated on-street parking for people with disabilities.

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