
Mentorship Programs in Oakland

As an Oakland native, Councilmember Loren Taylor is the product of several local mentorship programs, which he credits to providing him the life skills, knowledge, and self-confidence to become a leader in his civic, professional, and family life. Understanding the power these programs have to change the lives of Oakland youth, he is honored to bring forth the National Mentorship Month resolution for the Oakland City Council to adopt. Below is a list of mentorship programs that are positively impacting the life outcomes of Oakland youth. If you are aware of others who are not on this list, please email Councilmember Taylor’s Office at and we will add them. Please also share this website with others, who may be interested in learning more about how they can participate in one of these incredible programs as either a mentor or a mentee.

Militarized Equipment Ad Hoc

The Militarized Equipment Ad Hoc Committee is tasked with drafting and updating policies regulating the acquisition and use of militarized equipment by the Oakland Police Department in accordance with the City of Oakland's Controlled Equipment Ordinance (OMC 9.65) and state law (AB 481; Gov Code 7070 et seq.)

Minimum Residential Maintenance Standards for Building Owners

The Minimum Residential Maintenance Standards is designed to assist owners in maintaining their property to standards of livability and safety in accordance with the Oakland Municipal Code. The standards are not all inclusive and property owners are responsible for ensuring that their rental property is in compliance with all applicable provisions of the Building Codes and City Ordinances.

Minor Excavation Permit

Minor Excavation (x) Permits are required before excavating the public right-of-way., including but not limited to, Soil Boring, Monitoring Well Excavation, Potholing, or UGS Tank Excavation.

Missing Persons Policy Ad Hoc Committee

The Missing Persons Ad Hoc Committee is tasked with reviewing and updating the OPD's missing persons policy, to ensure that it is in line with the standards of constitutional policing and evolving community values. The resulting policy will be presented for review and approval to the full Police Commission, with the intent that it be formally adopted as the guiding policy for the investigations of missing persons by the OPD.

Most Wanted

Welcome to the Oakland Police Department's Most Wanted page, where you can provide critical crime-solving help. The information you provide may make the difference in a difficult case.

National Equity Atlas

The National Equity Atlas is a comprehensive data resource to track, measure, and make the case for inclusive growth.


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