
Traffic Collision Reports

Oakland Police Department motor vehicle collision reports can be purchased on-line, in person or by mail.

Traffic Collision Reports

Oakland Police Department motor vehicle collision reports can be purchased on-line, in person or by mail.

Traffic Signs and Markings

​ We contribute to the public's safety. We install, repair and replace traffic signs, poles and street markings on Oakland's public roads.

Tree View Obstruction

​The Obstruction of View Corridors Ordinance (OMC 15.52) allows for pruning certain trees to eliminate or minimize view obstructions.


U-Visa Certifications: If You Have Been Denied U-Visa Certification During The Application Process, We Encourage You To Resubmit Your Application To The Oakland Police Department

Unhealthy Air / Smoke Event

In recent years, the Bay Area has experienced unprecedented fires and dense smoke, which are the result of years of impacts brought on by climate change. The reality is that heavy smoke will be in our future, so we all need to prepare ourselves, our homes, our loved ones, and community for smoke events.

Uniform Relocation Ordinance

On January 16, 2018, the City of Oakland passed the Uniform Relocation Ordinance to establish an uniform schedule of relocation payments which are now extended to tenants evicted when the owner or qualifying relative moves in.

Upcoming General Election News You Can Use

With the General Election quickly approaching, the Office of the City Clerk would like to share with you some resources and options for you to safely engage in your civic duty of exercising your right to vote.

Use City-owned Outdoor Property

Since the start of Flex Streets, the City of Oakland has made available unutilized City-owned outdoor properties to retail businesses and restaurants which are unable to operate in the public right of way or on private property as provided under the FlexStreets program.

Use of Force

The Oakland Police Department takes the issue of uses of force seriously and has employed several strategies to reduce the use of force.

Use of Force

The Oakland Police Department (OPD) defines Use of Force (UOF) as any physical or mechanical intervention used by a member or employee to defend, control, overpower, restrain or overcome the resistance of an individual. OPD takes UOF seriously and has employed several strategies to reduce its occurrence (see see data and definitions, strategies, and links to UOF levels below).

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