
Tree View Obstruction

​The Obstruction of View Corridors Ordinance (OMC 15.52) allows for pruning certain trees to eliminate or minimize view obstructions.

Sewer Maintenance

The Sewer Services Division of Oakland Public Works is responsible for performing preventive maintenance to over 934 miles of sewer main, ranging from six inches to over 66 inches in diameter.

Smoke Testing in Sewers

Smoke Testing is used to detect issues in the sewer. The smoke is non-toxic and non-hazardous and is manufactured specifically for this purpose.

Private Sewer Lateral

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in collaboration with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) is spearheading an effort to keep the Bay clean

Creek Definition

A creek is a watercourse that is a naturally occurring swale or depression or engineered channel that carries fresh or estuarine water either seasonally or year around.

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