This Ad Hoc Committee is tasked with: (1) Representing the Commission in all deliberations and discussions with other City of Oakland stakeholders pertaining to the Sustainability Period and efforts to resolve Court oversight; (2) Reviewing the status of OPD compliance with NSA Tasks 5 (investigations) and 45 (racial disparity in discipline) and make recommendations as to any policies that may be required to achieve compliance in these areas, including the review and assessment of the January 18, 2023 policy recommendations of Clarence, Dyer & Cohen, LLP;
and (3) Recommend policies and actions required to ensure that the constitutional policing mandated by the NSA continue beyond the Sustainability Period.
Discover art by participating artists <br><br>
Join us for music, refreshments, art and community!
May 30th – 6pm to 9pm<br>
Studio One Art Center<br>
365 45th St, Oakland, CA 94609<br>
Oakland Art Murmur and Studio One Arts Center are co-hosting this event to showcase the diverse art scene that defines the identity of the East Bay. During the Salon Exhibition you will view the work of over 100 participating artists, grab a printed event guide and plan your studio visits.
Accepting entries and submissions to an open space gallery show titled “NEW BEGINNINGS” May 20 - June 3, 2023.
Click the button below to submit artwork!
Submission Deadline: Wednesday, April 12th
This City of Oakland is committed to removing barriers to inclusive community engagement. This Administrative Instruction describes the roles of City staff and provides City staff with procedures, guidelines, and best practices to consider when selecting engagement strategies and accompanying tools.
This Ad Hoc Committee is tasked with selecting an outside firm through the City’s Request
for Proposals process, to investigate allegations made by the Oakland Black Officers
Association that the Oakland Police Department engages in racially discriminatory hiring
and promotions.
The Oakland Workforce Development Board (OWDB) seeks public comment on the Draft 2021-2024 Local Plan Biennial Modifications.
Parklets are platforms that convert on-street parking spaces into vibrant community spaces. Parklets expand seating capacity at adjacent restaurants, businesses, and community-based organizations.
The OYC is thrilled to partner with Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth (RJOY) this year. So many of the issues we have been working on for the past couple of years, kept pointing us towards a need for more restorative justice in this city. Ten of our commissioners have been trained to become certified RJ Circle Keepers, and now, we are leading healing circles around our community and Youth Commission.