
Current and Past Labor Agreements

Labor agreements are formal documents between the City of Oakland and our labor unions. These documents or "collective bargaining agreements" describe the benefits and rights of employees.

Current Environmental Review (CEQA/EIR) Documents (2011- present)

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is a state statute that requires state and local agencies to identify the significant environmental impacts of their actions and to avoid or mitigate those impacts, if feasible. The following documents pertain to projects with active case files that have been subject to CEQA or other environmental review.

Data for Labor

This website provides labor with a single source of commonly used data.

Datasets - Campaign Finance Disclosure

Campaign finance statements mandated under state and local law are filed electronically with the Public Ethics Commission and are accessible in datasets on OakData.

Datasets - Lobbyist Disclosure

The Lobbyist Registration Act requires registration and activity disclosure for individuals and groups that influence public decisions by lobbying City public servants.

Davie Tennis Stadium

At Davie Tennis Stadium, we pride ourselves on providing a wide variety of tennis programs for various ages, skills and interest.

deFremery Pool

deFremery Pool is located near deFremery Recreation Center.

Delinquent Campaign Filers

The table below lists candidates and political committees out of compliance with campaign finance disclosure requirements.

Department of Transportation's Strategic Plan – June 2022 Update

In October 2016, the City of Oakland’s first-ever Department of Transportation, released an ambitious Strategic Plan emphasizing managing streets and sidewalks with the values of equity, safety, sustainability and trust. We have reported out periodically on our progress implementing those strategies and priorities, most recently with the publication of our Five-Year Accomplishments Report in June 2022.

Design Guidelines

The City of Oakland has established Design Guidelines for different project types and specific areas in order to 1.) create stable, attractive, and safe neighborhoods; 2.) maintain property values; 3.) provide attractive and highly livable housing that meets the needs of all Oakland residents; and 4.) safeguard the City's architectural heritage.

Developer Resources

Find out more about the City of Oakland's commitment to affordable housing, and the opportunities available to affordable housing developers.

Development Opportunities on City-owned Surplus Land

When the City of Oakland declares a property as “surplus land” pursuant to the State Surplus Land Act, the Oakland City Council will make a declaration of surplus during a public hearing. Following the declaration of surplus, the City must provide a Notice of Availability to eligible entities, including the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), any local public entity within the jurisdiction where the surplus local land is located, and developers who have notified HCD of their interest in developing affordable housing on surplus local land.

Dishonesty Police Personnel Records

By law, the public has a right to any record relating to an incident in which a sustained finding was made involving dishonesty by a peace officer directly relating to the reporting, investigation, or prosecution of a crime, or directly relating to the reporting of, or investigation of misconduct by, another peace officer.

Do I Need To Register My Unit?

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