Read 2016 Wildfire Prevention Assessment District (WPAD) Reports
The Rent Adjustment Program (RAP) is a petition-based system for renters and landlords.
These requests are for proposals (RFP's) for the development of affordable housing units. Click on the links below to read more and apply.
The Neighborhood Housing Revitalization Program (NHRP) provides financial assistance to owners of one-to-four unit or single family dwellings that are in need of repair to correct code violations and to eliminate safety and health hazards.
If you are an Oakland homeowner in or at risk of foreclosure, you can fight to stay in your home.
If you are an Oakland renter and your home is in foreclosure or at risk of foreclosure, you may have the right to stay.
Oakland's CDBG program focuses mainly on physical development activities: community-wide housing, public facilities and improvements, neighborhood revitalization and economic development.
Eden I&R is a community agency that connects Oaklanders to community resources.
Learn the difference between subprime and predatory lending.
The City of Oakland submits a consolidated plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) every five years. This plan supports funding including: - the Community Development Block Grant - HOME Investment Partnership - Emergency Shelter Grant - Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS grants.
The City of Oakland is required to submit 5-Year Consolidated Plans, Annual Action Plans and Performance Reports to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to receive funds from the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnership, Emergency Solutions Grant, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Programs.
The Housing Policy Section conducts studies, maintains data and statistics, provides information, advocates legislation, creates and ensures compliance with local, state and federal policies and procedures related to affordable housing in Oakland.
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